Kill thousands of people before confronting Darko

>kill thousands of people before confronting Darko
>suddenly come to an epiphany about how perpetuating the cycle of violence is le bad and spares him
you aren't retarded, right user? you killed him, yes?

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change has to start from somewhere

12 shots with a deagle, even though it only has 9...

No because I didn't want Roman to get killed.

Doesn't Niko feel like shit if you do it?
Because if so, what's the point.

I'm pretty sure you can technically avoid killing all enemies but specific story executions in GTA 4 by shooting them anywhere but the head until they fall down.
They just like on the ground writhing in pain

sunk cost fallacy, would be ridiculous for Niko to pull out at the very last moment after everything he's done, it's stupid that the game expects you to

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>Deciding not to kill someone because of morals and the greater good and feelings
I killed him because I didn't like him.

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I mercy killed him, not out of revenge. I mean he was asking me to do it.

To what

not even a little bit true

to save billions

If anything that's the reverse of a sunken cost fallacy.
I don't like that kind of "wait, no, if we kill the villain we'll be monsters,even though we killed five billion people to get here already" stuff one bit, but in most stories there's a clear benefit to be had from killing the villain.
No benefit here, Niko himself doesn't get any satisfaction nor closure from it, which would be the only real reason to do it, so no reason to bother.

>"Oh no, mister videogame protagonist, please DO kill me! Yes, that is what I want! The REAL punishment would be leaving me alive and letting me live out the rest of my days however I see fit! Oh, that sounds so miserable, please end my suffering!"

I don't have a stance, all I did was call his bluff.

>you already did this 99 times and it was bad. Now you are aware that it's bad, but have to do it for the 100th time because of the first 99.

My brother in Christ, you are arguing in favor of the sunk cost fallacy.

Sparing him is the better choice, after all he's a mentally unstable man who just looked into the eyes of one of the guys he betrayed.

>b-b-but muh revenge!
he literally thanks you if you kill him, no easy way out for that scumbag

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He owes it to the people he's murdered (however much they deserved it) and his squadmates to see it through to the end, even if he may not derive any sort of satisfaction from doing so. I mean, he's devoted his entire life to tracking Darko down and put those closest to him in danger constantly in pursuit of that goal. I find it hard to believe that he'd up and quit after all that. Darko isn't remorseful in the slightest, and actually attempts to pin it all on Niko.

>I find it hard to believe that he'd up and quit after all that
Now that is a different story. I don't particularly thing sparing Darko makes for a particularly satisfying narrative, but that's not the same thing as "is there a benefit to be gained from shooting him in the face".
I've considered the idea of whether Niko owes it to the dead to do it since he's the only one who can, but at the end of the day Niko also suffered like shit because of it and has also been a victim of it, and considering he's the inheritor of that burden he's the one who gets to decide what should be done with it.

one thing still doesn't make sense in that story
>florian - hardened war veteran who survived a massacre
>years later, a faggot who cant even fight back


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no need to change after he's fucking dead

He does if you don't kill him as well

it messed with his head, probably


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