What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

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Bowser gave him a cool hat. He was obligated to fight you.

Why did this game have a real life dragon in it?

he doesn't look realistic at all ingame
he just looks realistic compared to Mario

Why not?

I wish his world had more to do in game. Unlike other worlds, this world only serves as a boss fight.

It's cool

>Mario nooooo don't break from the formula you're supposed to be kiddishit reeeee
That's you. That's what YOU sound like. Fuck you NIGGER.

Do you fight him multiple times?

He had a bunch of shit poked in his head and he was grumpy as fuck

>real life dragon
No such thing.

This is why you don't forget to take your meds kids

That's what the jews want you to think

imagine thinking dragons don't exist

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Paarthurnax expelled him from the Throat of the world and excommunicated him from The Way of the Voice.

he has a harder version later on

>paarthurnax is voiced by charles martinet

The game's artbook had the director saying they wanted a shockingly detailed boss because they thought it would be funny to have something of that sort since the T-Rex and New Donk City's visual concept alreayd opened the doors for something fo that sort.
But keep in mind, the art director also says they tried hard to exaggerate the dragon's facial features so hard that he is still cartoony if you ignore the detailed texturing. Look at him properly and you'll see he is still rather "silly"

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it was cool, odyssey should've had more jarring artstyle juxtapositions like this and the food kingdom.
it would've been more fun if it wasn't just a bossfight arena though

his teeth look like they smell like limestone and fish

>real life dragon in it?

It can't be a real life dragon because dragons aren't real lmfao

that's what they want you to think

i didn't know about the other version, but it's still disappointing.

I bet you think unicorns don't exist either

>he doesn’t know

the cloud kingdom was just a bossfight arena too I think
that one was super duper forgettable though, so I don't blame you for not remembering it


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