Villain was right all along

>villain was right all along
Best trope in gaming.

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how old is this shit, 5/6/7 years?

This thread has nothing to do with video games, at least put in some effort.

Jontron and Destiny are both prolific video gamers.

How was Jontron right? He got shit on cuz he claimed something unsubstantiated.

le me le hate le niggers xDD

Don't hate them they just shouldn't be here.

destiny is a video game stupid

>Source: Dude trust me
Every fucking time

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source is right there on the screen shoterino??

he was right though, the poorest white area would be the appalachian mountains which has a significantly low crime rate
poverty doesn't create crime, crime creates poverty. this is a well known and established concept for people who are genuinely interested in helping solve problems and not screech hysterically for months on end so bad news video games goes away from computer screen.

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Asians are the master race. It is known.

Oh ok, care to tell me where to find this so called "Buerau of Justice"?

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>You can't say that about my heckin niggerinos!

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I'm sick of the racebaiters Any Forums. I'm sick of the 13/50 posters, the BBC spammers, the anti asian posters, the anti white cuckshit posters, all of them. Why can't we just have basic respect for one another and enjoy some fucking vidya? Why does the anime community not have this problem?

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>Source doesn't actually exist


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Makes you wonder if Any Forums is just 2 guys posting and the rest is all russian trollfarm bots set up from the gamergate and drumpf shilling era.

>You can't laugh at my fan fiction!

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I have searched for the source to this, it doesn't exist.
And i pestered a thread on Any Forums for a couple of hours and they eventually admitted it was probably made up.

>every game has niggertrannyjew shit shoved in your face constantly
>wtf why do people in the gaming community constantly complain about niggertrannyjew shit??


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