Try super popular game

>try super popular game
>it's shit
>everyone calls you a fag for preferring a different game

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>he never had a good beer in his life

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Beer is great, so much variety. Whisky is even better. I believe someone who doesn't like whisky just hasnt found the one for them.

>everyone calls you a fag for preferring a different game

never happened

You must be new here

Any beer that isn't red ain't worth my time.

>>everyone calls you a fag for preferring a different game
Sucks to be so cripplingly insecure that instead of happily enjoying your thing, you have to post about it on Any Forums for approval.

You need to develop a taste for alcohol much like coffee

I instantly hate people that say they don't like beer.

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oh yeah the retards here love all the super popular games, my mistake

>you need to be an addict to enjoy it

How does this one taste? I had the best beer I've ever had at a beer hall in Austria.

not even remotely what I said

exactly the same as every other German beer

take the soberpill anons
you'll feel better

>you need to develop a habit of drinking these two addictive substances to enjoy them

beer destroys my stomach now.

liquor is still good though

You get alcohol free beer, user. That's not an excuse.

Your friends are faggy plebs.
Real champions drink everclear and spirytus

Just post the webcomic already.

le ebin xkcd hot opinion

fuck you I like guinness

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it gives me diarrhea

>think retro game hailed as a masterpiece is shit
>disregard faggots who call me a faggot over videogames because I don't have thin-skin

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that just leads you to drinking regular beer
same as ecigs
also tastes like shit

White people are very insecure about their alcoholism for some reason. Literally no one else cares if you drink or don't drink.

Beer is for bitches. Give hard liquor like tequila or vodka.

Well, that's a good excuse. If you didn't like the taste, I'd dislike you.

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Lol. No you don't. I loved both coffee and beer the first time I was allowed to taste them when I was like 6.

Beer and other liquors taste like shit
So I won't drink it
Don't care how much you cry about
Didn't ask addict

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wasn't this bought out recently by a mega corporation ?

again not even remotely what I said

Agree, also anything cheaper than jack daniel's is shit

My dad is /beer/core. Brews his own beer. Loves his beer, simple as
I don't. He never outright says it but I can tell he's a bit sad I'm not /beer/pilled.

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I have never touched coffee, alcohol or drugs. I'm a good boy.
Even though I'm already 24 years old, and an autistic NEET who only communicates through Any Forums.

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There are loads of great 0% beers, user. Expand your horizon. It doesn't lead to anything but running to the pisser.

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The most retarded thing to ever exist. What is even the point? Are there really people who actually enjoy the pure taste of beer?

alcohol free beer is the equivalent of a nicotine patch

Yes, people like beer for the taste.

>Good boy
>Addicted to Loli porn
You'd be better off just having a good drink user.

i'll pass. Drinking is one of the few things that brings me joy

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I guess you're the exception to the rule. Most don't like coffee or alcohol the first time they try them. Nobody I know did at least

I love ciders and dont give a fuck what anyone has to say about it

I know what you mean, op.

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yes, but its still pretty good

of course their is always some headroom

for me Ayinger is the Gold Standard

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Sounds like that's your problem

You only know spergs.

have you ever tried dude weed or shrooms?

>you have to develop a habit of gifting the pleasure of coming inside to really enjoy pussy

the guy at the liquor store recommend me that.

I usually get appleton. I dont want to buy a bottle of something I might not like

leck mein anus du bayern neger

Don't be rude, user. A medical reason is a good reasoning for disliking beer.

Time to pour myself a cornet.

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it's literally the opposite, the taste without the high

it's my favorite rum. I've never tried appleton before though

Gonna have some Faxe and Kilkenny tonight lads.

Why not now? Have you seen the heat?

>Actually that beer isn't one of the good ones
>uhm, yeah you haven't had good beer, sweatie
>why don't you try a different one, that one's no good
This is all you hear when you try and talk about beer with people. Starting to think there's just no good beer and people drink it until they just accept the taste for what it is, or they always liked it and like all the beers I find disgusting.

Either way, I've tested probably 6-7 beers, hated them all equally

you'll like it, there's also Mount Gay too for another similar decent rum

I'm guessing you meant to respond to someone else

No, I'm just schizo. Show me your beer.

erstick an deiner Stier Bier Pisse Kevin

why do you insist on sharing these retard interpretations user?

i hope it stays at least somewhat true to its original taste in europe
when I saw this on markets in rural latam, i kinda felt bad for it

>you have to drink enough to alter your brain chemistry to enjoy the taste

maul du fotzen mongo

I like drinking beer for the taste. Not mass-brewed bullshit, but nice microbrews that come in a variety of flavors and feels. I don't care to get drunk most of the time I drink beers. I only ever want to get drunk when out with friends and that happens rarely anymore

you didn't have to clarify