He plays healer in FFXIV

He plays healer in FFXIV.

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>do not activate tank stance
>complain when I lose aggro
Based fpbp /thread

Based Pablo making XIVtrannies seethe.

I want to fuck this bunny

I have yet to play a healer or support character in any class based online games in the last 25 years. I'd literally rather stop playing games entirely than sink so low to "support" people in an online game.

>glare + aero 90% of the time
So... Why haven't they added anything? It had been what, 4 years of this pathetic shit?
It's amazing that people get paid to "design" current jobs in this game

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How do I recover my FF14 account? I don't remember the email I used to sign up with which was a one-off email, but I know the bank account connected to my account, I know my username and password and I have all my steam keys, and I know the main character I played as and his main jobs. I am also from Oceania. My accpunt was locked for "suspicious activity" after I uninstalled and reinstalled the client on steam. Now I need to verify my email address which I no longer have. How am I supposed to get my account back

I queued into Agalia as sage the other day and I cannot fathom how people play healer outside Savage content
It's almost impossibly boring

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>he plays ffxiv

call them
I had a similar issue with my security question and it took calling them to recover it

I don't play ff14. Is there a reason why you retards post this :o face everywhere?

>he plays healer
>he makes drama at every wipe

>Played FFXIV for a while.
>Realized I'm just doing everything alone.
>Thought about how to approach people in this game.
>Come to the conclusion I never have any reason to socialize at all.
>Talk with my Guild occasionally about random stuff
>Got boring quickly
>Decided this is not really an MMORPG but more of a single player experience with slightly smarter NPCs than usual
>Thought about RP
>Would take too long to get to max level
>Realize any proper single player game would be better, like Skyrim for example
>Decided to give up
Dropped the entire fucking game.

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Just contact support. I had a security token battery die and I registered in 1.0 before emergency removal codes. I had to file about 6 different tickets before I finally got a support person willing to remove my token. Just explain you lost your email and hope you get a good support guy.

Healing in tab targeting games fucking sucks, but I actually really enjoy supports in mobas.

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Yeah because it's either me or some dumb woman trying to get simps.
I play the 3 roles and only suck at DPS a tank.

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yes I like to throw the rave ball
also saying
is fucking funny
sometimes I like to spam queue random trials and shit and hope for retarded sprouts
I know it sounds stupid but sometimes you can HEALMAXX and pull them through with retarded shit
for me it is super satisfying but I'm really on your side here

I just can't force myself to pretend this game is fun. I beat Shadowniggers the other week and I just do not care about this storyline or the gameplay anymore. I fell for the "it gets better!" trap. Played it a lot longer than I should have due to other people.
Fuck ffxiv, fuck trannies, and most of all take care, some of you are cool

Cry while I insta-queue

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The only trials that can actually be fun to heal are Hydaleyn and Zodiark (especially Zodiark, I think Zodiark Normal is actually a tougher heal check than EX). And even then they're only fun if everything fucks up, like you said.

Former WoW tanks are so obvious. Imagine turning off tank stance "to teach the healer a lesson" because the tank is single pulling like a retard and the healer wants a quicker pace

I actually had a fucking hilarious Thornmarch with six sprouts, I gave the tank a salute and he cried
I have never, ever died to the first Memento Moogle before that fight. But I also got to cleanse moogle-go-round, we actually had to use a kill order, I didn't have all my tools but sprouts were still sucking dicks, it was a beautiful garbage fire and I forced them to live through it

But those are the fights you remember :)

I'll never forget queueing for Ifrit EX with all sprouts and almost pulling my hair out teaching them the fight. (Healed it).

only girls and faggots play healer, this goes for every mmo.

doesnt wound very WoW to me