4 cities

>4 cities
>30 hour long game, maybe 40 hours if you're a shitty player
>1000 planets

Are you fucking serious, Toddy boy?

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So... all of them are empty?
But why?

This game will be so bad lmfao

"It will be a dream for modders!"

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30 hours for the main quest retard, there's side quests and ship building and mods

16 times the details

You can play Skyrim main story in less than 2 hours
Does that mean it's a 2 hour long game?

You're purposefully ignoring every other part of the game for your narrative. Do you intend to skip every single side quest, building your ship, gathering resources, building bases on multiple planets, all so that you could do the main story as fast as possible and be done with it?
People always cry how they don't want games to hold their hand, but when they're given a sandbox to explore, they rush the main quest and cry about lack of content.
What the fuck do you even want?

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This guy's such a shifty fucking jew I swear to God

I thought you wanted realism.

out of context as usual
>4 cities
new atlantis is their biggest city of all time.
>30 hour long game, maybe 40 hours if you're a shitty player
that's the main quest, and he's saying that if fallout 4 mainquest was 25 hours then starfield is in the 30s or 40s if you took your time.
>1000 planets
obviously a procedurally generated boring stuff.

Immersion. NPC's can't understand it.

You can't even fly to the planet. Space is one section, the planet is another section. So you hop onto your ship, and now you're in the middle of space. Then you open the map, select a planet, and bam, you're there. A planet with nothing on it.

I don't get it.

Planets are meant to be treated like locations in previous games so instead of stumbling upon a map marker in Skyrim you land on a planet and see the few handcrafted things on it before moving on.

damn ... you just made me buy the game

>The Game

>1 planet where you can only travel to a few cities of
>999 planets where modders fill them in

Thanks for doing 99% of the game for me, you stupid fucking goys. Like Skyrim and Fallout, the gaymers make the game.

But why would a game like this sell well?

The game is "Starfield" not "Starcity".

>1000 planets
>30 hours of gameplay

Ah, yes. Each planet only has, at most, 2 minutes of content on it. You go to "onyx planet" to mine some onyx and leave.

999 (probably closer to 970 empty planets) filled with Modder content, with most mods never sharing a planet so you can minimize conflicting lore in your mods, sounds great

Because Bethesda are masters at hype, and fans of Bethesda games are retarded.

Todd said the main story is 30-40 hours he didn't say it was that for completionist playthroughs

which part of the reveal impressed you the most? for me it was none of it.

He can get away with literally ANYTHING.

because their target audience is normalfags who are blown away by literally 1000 of anything being in a game, no matter how devoid of content it is

Bethesda name + large marketing budget + aggressive shilling + low standards of normalfags.

I can not stress how low the standards are for the bulk of the vidya market. Being an informed consumer who has knowledge of vidya beyond whatever TV tells them to buy before christmas is a niche.

its probably more like 30 if you are a shit player and 10-15 if you are a normal human

Should've done 10,000 planets instead. Make modders do more and have an entire planet for themselves. I'd sure love to visit the Dildos planet, where trees squirt goo at you every time you walk pass the forest of dildos.

>30 hour long game
that's the story without side quest retard

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because retards think games like Eve Online or X3 are hard when they're not

Kek bethesda games are so fucking archaic.

>4 cities
Incorrect, and also out of context.
They said there will be 4 mega-cities that are handcrafted and larger than any cities theyve ever put in any of their games, and then there's a ton of smaller cities that are semi-generated and semi-hand crafted.
>30 hour long game
Not an issue, as all of the main Bethesda RPGs since Morrowwind you can beat in 2-3 hours.

This, also the majority of people who buy it will spend about 20 hours on it, either rush the main quest or never actually finish it, then move on to the next AAA release or return to CoD/fortnite/halo/fifa/madden. They won't care that its as deep as a puddle because they'll never delve that far into it.

Eve online isn't hard it is just boring.

I don't really care. I leave judgement for once I've actually played the game. A wild concept, I know.

He has his leather jacket on, he's immune to your criticism.

Only one of these is larger than anything in the other games.

I unironically think Fallout Scrolls in space would make a better space game than most others.

The fact you can go to them is part of the appeal, not that you necessarily will. Bethesda games are all about offering you choices and letting you do as you want in a sandbox; this is just an extension of that. Personally, I expect I'll only explore a small handful and build my base on one.

What is not to get?
Pick a spot to land.
Get random encounter

Was landing and walking around a planet for a month really what tickles your pickle

I love Vasco!

so I can pick the perfect one for my base stupid

there's no excuse. they said that it's gonna take a long time so they didn't even bother to work on it.
>I don't get it.
the game already has a lot of systems that beat most of space games out there, no seamless landing is an issue but there's a payoff.

*takes 10 years to come out with a sandbox game where players fill in 99% of the content*


>completely rip off NMS
>fail to rip off the one thing in NMS that is legitimately cool - entry into a planets atmo
lmao what the fuck were they thinking

the 1000 planets are the tip of the gameplay iceberg but you wouldn't know that wouldn't you?

>larger than any cities theyve ever put in any of their games
Now think about how "large" their largest city was, and how objectively shit it was.

Friendly reminder that only redditors and normies are mad about Starfield and Todd. You have to go back.

That only people looking to be upset over something will be upset.

NMS was shit and so is your post, get better at baiting.

You will watch the cutscene transitions, and you will like it.

*teleports into space then teleports into another planet*

recruitable NPCs for ship and bases for coom modding potentiall, going off just the base game though customizable ships

i believe in todd

bethesda fans are retarded
even more than nintendo fans

redditor detected

>it's gonna take a long time
Which means it isn't impossible on the new gamebryo.
Once again modders will remove Any Forums's reasons to keep bitching that the game isn't exactly what they want yet

Expansions? Maybe have modders fill in the rest of the game for them.kjjv4

>completely rip off NMS
These are the type of people shitting on Starfield... It's embarrassing really.

In the year 2500, half of the people in the universe will be black.

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I also believe in Todd.

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While I agree that NMS is shit, it's still absurd to me that Bethesda decided to skip the seemless entry into planets, which was one of the most praised aspects of NMS. I'm also not upset, I just find it baffling the decisions Bethesda makes.

Oh I'm sure the mods will fully fix the combat as usal.

People defending Todd are the people who unironically love Fallout 76.

They are padding. It's just filler content for people who want to explore as well as a way to enhance the space exploration fantasy.

>4 cities
Yeah that and like probably 5 different "outposts" layouts full of enemies that they will copy paste on every planet, maybe a cave dungeon or two copy pasted too.

Outer space is like that apparently.

>30 hour long game
>1000 planets
That is 33.3 planets an hour.
every 30 seconds you go to a new planet

I never played FO76.
Maybe that's why I'm looking forward to this game.

Todd didn't do fallout 76 you turd

Uhh. Todd Howard says fans DON'T want seamless space travel. They want to select their ship from a pop-up menu, then jump right into space. Then select a planet from there, and end up on the planet outside of your ship.

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>making 76

>40 hours if you're a shitty player
Man I can never understand how people can that mindset with an RPG. Like shit you're supposed to get immersed and play with things the game doesn't tell you to do. Do you ugysl just zoom from progression point to progression point with no breaks?

He's right. same as ladders, yikes some people really want to waste their time and it shows

Probably too difficult to do with their engine.