Fire Emblem Leaks

Place your bets Any Forums.
Is it real or fake?

Attached: 127542155522.jpg (1280x1205, 168.6K)

This shit looks like garbage.

This shit looks like kino.

It kinda looks real but also bad

How did we go from this...

Attached: 60945933.jpg (1200x1153, 128.34K) this?

Attached: 1655334105225.jpg (945x2048, 174.62K)

I believe that Toothpaste is real.

I want to see Toothpaste being publically executed by Dimitri (academy phase).


>can't stand 3H artstyle.
>Ignore 3H threads for years.
>Next FE has an artstyle I actually like.
>3Hfags attack any thread of it.
I can't never fucking win.

How did we go from this to this?

Attached: CelicaFEE.png.bf75b7fe3cffee4ad9225c8d4328ca50.png (2202x3398, 3.46M)

Marrying Mobu

Attached: 1655306670682.jpg (1000x766, 173.51K)

I like both, is only 3H and its fujoshi artstyle which I can't tolerate.

There are currently 3 genshin impact threads you could go to and feel welcome in, 柴草.


>Why it in chinese?
>Where the S rank?

This series used to put some thought into its designs.

Attached: Eirika_card_art_fire_emblem_cipher.png (596x811, 1.16M)

Why are there so many Chinese on here all of a sudden?

Real but very outdated.
All we've seen are character and menu designs, both of which can be changed easily before release.

Remember that in the first 3H trailer Mercedes had brown hair and Hilda looked slightly different too, and we also saw gameplay mechanics like formations that were scrapped and turned into something else.

Don't know if real or not but I'm not acknowledging anything game related from China. Ever. It's never gonna happen. I don't know how young do you have to be to actually consider that place and video games in the same sentence but I sure as fuck don't qualify in that prerequisite.

Let me know when there's something Japanese.

Okay SEAnig

If the 2D art looks anything like the Ryza games both of these artists are going to get BTFO

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