How come no one ever talks about how unbelievably kino this game is?

How come no one ever talks about how unbelievably kino this game is?

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sh fans are stupid bitches

It's not fucking kino, get a grip. The part where you have to lead that bitch around and the dude is fucking with you is soooo beyond annoying I want to kms. Also the forced combat is sheit

Someone post the Silent hill for pc guide.

basedado thanks

>The Room

Attached: 200.gif (356x200, 821.82K)

Too lazy to bring it up in but the second half is lazy no matter how you slice it. If you're meant to feel like a Neet shut in when you find out the big secret of walter's mind is just a copy paste of your apartment then mission accomplished.

I think it's discussed pretty often. The game is as kino as it gets, but it is also very rushed and while the good parts are amazing the bad parts are awful.

I'm ashamed to admit that I couldn't bother to finish the second half because I did not find it fun to cheese the encounters with walter that snipes you every time you enter an area. It was way too annoying in a way that broke the immersion.

The ghosts were annoying too but I could get past that because they were actually scary and contributed to the atmosphere. But walter is just some dude.


Because it's really not very good?
*stock cheetah sound*

>the game is as kino as it gets
>I didn't finish it because the bad parts are awful
this. this is why no one talks about this piece of shit because only retards like it. there's a reason we think of SH4 fans as 'lesser'. they're usually zoomer nu-fans who jumped in on 4 and don't even bother finishing games but consider themselves 'in the fandom'.

Eileen is really nice girl. It's sweet and cute that she was the only person who wanted to help Henry when no one else cared about him. She's also really pretty and cute.

Attached: Silent Hill 4 1625523307025.jpg (1280x922, 108.7K)

outdated as fuck

I liked how the previous tenant of the apartment had the exact same thing happen to him as Henry, and that he was also involved with the cult (involved in the sense that he criticized them in a newspaper article), and that most of the notes you find in your apartment are his.

It's a nice way of tying SH 4's story to the greater SH continuum, even if the 21 Sacraments kind of shit on the established lore.

Overall, the aesthetic is definitely the best in the series, and it's easy to get lost in the environments.


not even him, but big words from half nigger mutt.

It's too kino even for Any Forums

Eileen can't die and you can heal all damage done to her before the final fight. It's one of the least annoying escort missions I've seen


I still think there's a lot to like in the game and I am glad that it exists. The good part are among the best things the medium can produce.

It's worth to play it and see what one person can get out of it. I'm glad I did not miss some of the good parts.

Cuz it's mediocre. Granted, that still puts it above everything afterwards (besides Shattered Memories), but it's still not very good.