Are there any games that let you commit acts of corporate terrorism?

Are there any games that let you commit acts of corporate terrorism?

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>Union bad
Dumb motherfucker

>union is bad
Yes workers having basic human rights and protections from corporate bullshit sure is awful. I know Any Forums is a literal nintendo bootlicker board so this is no surprise to read.

Why would they need protection?

Shut the fuck up, dumbass.

Ask any overworked underpaid walmart or amazon employee. They're all treated like shit.

Fucking video games
Also why are they talking about Hadley with a picture from Cambridge?

Or any worker.

>They're all treated like shit.
That can't be true. Companies are always gloating about their great benefits like college tuition aid and dental.

just quit lmao
fucking wagie retards

Yeah, it's true. We have morons thinking unions are bad because they've been brainwashed for their whole lives to be against it.

Many people don't have the option to just quit, or not having enough experience to do things outside of their bubble. This shit really isn't that fucking hard to understand.

If you've ever worked in retail yourself, you would know that most employees are just genuinely incompetent and/or lazy fuckwits.

Sucks to be you. Wagescum.

union bad because swanson chicken fortune man on fox news said so

Based, half of them don't even show up to work for their first day

My grandpa says you can walk into any company and, with enough gumption, they'll hire you on the spot.

How about you commie faggots have a union with DEEZ NUTS

Who's Trader Joe?

Trader Joes is part of Aldi, i thought they had a good relationship with unions.

Union jobs are fucking cozy, stop ballwashing for the corporations.

Every wagie job I've worked that had a union paid me more than minimum and had reasonable standards.
Every job that didn't felt like a fucking clown show.

yep a union is a terrorist gang.

In his day, yes, but now the hiring process is very bureaucratic and tedious. Everything's online now.

>tfw scab

Joema balls

That's just most humans in general, same with anyone not working retail. Besides, even if they were more competent and less lazy they certainly wouldn't be motivated to act like it when they're supposed to be more productive than any employee in history yet see none of the return on said increase in productivity.

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Welcome to every job ever
T. job in Fortune 500 workplace in medicine as team lead in genetics subdivision, and I spend over 50% of my time fixing first-year-in-university -tier fuckups like people not knowing how to boil fucking water for agarose gel, and being too lazy/timid to ask. When given polite guidance ("this agarose gel doesnt solidify. We cant use it. Lets go through the process again just in case") they get mad.

It's kind of like a specialty grocery store. A lot of organic foods and stuff like that. Think like The Fresh Market, Whole Foods, places like that for reference.

Some guy that realized he could make bank selling shitty organic/"healthy" groceries to upper middle class white leftists.

scabs are no better than jews tbqh

Organized bargaining is literally capitalism, it just allows the worker to negotiate his wage in a consenting contract.

God damnit, he was being sarcastic.

>UPS Unionized in Kentucky
>Everyone works hard
>Some dumb nigger lady doesn't work and keeps getting rehired due to the union
>She sleeps, fucks around, fucks things up, etc.

This is her third time back on the job. Thanks to Union protection.

>I live off my parents

Surely retail workers get raises and bonuses when they perform well, right?

I hate people like you, worry about what the fuck you're doing and mind your own.

This. If someone was already a good employee and had decent relationships with their managers the union does absolutely fucking nothing for you. It just protects shitty employees and people who don't want to put in actual work.

Retail shouldn't be the "end all be all" job. You shouldn't think it's perfect and just want to stay at it forever. You should want to get education, get promoted, change jobs, etc.

It's 80% nepotism promotions, 19% raises for working for a set amount of time, and 1% merit based.

huh what happened in 1973

My gripe with modern unions, especially the game dev ones, is usually front and center of their platform is something like "we demand you hire less white men and more bipocs" Yeah, I ain't signing up for institutional hiring discrimination against me, thank you. Honestly I would be a full on commie if not for the anti-white baggage

>I committed disability fraud
Are you being dumb as hell on purpose? Of course not.


this is why uni is a scam
I could teach someone in 1 month more practical skills they'll actually use on the job than they'll learn in 3 years for 60k of debt

corps are too shit scared of inhouse training and it kill many industries

>I hate people like you, worry about what the fuck you're doing and mind your own.

Good god go work a fucking job for once in your life that relies on a team to do it's job.

They are though. Companies provide everything we want. People are obnoxious parasites by comparison.

Your incompetence impacts the people that have to deal with you, you stupid nigger.

>>Medieval peasants spent average of 150 days working. In return they got just enough housing and food
>>You are asked to do 2x more days a year with at least twice the productivity compared to 1970 consistently
>>If you dont do 4x the work of literal feodal slaves, getting minimum wages in return, you are seen as lazy and undeserving
No wonder US citizens are collapsing under the workload. The brainwashing has worked really well on the working class.

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Yeah. The Union tends to protect shitty employees, it's a big flaw.

How about you teach them what to do in the job instead of whining?

This user is wrong, it's actually 90% nepotism and I'm not joking. Also even if your job says you're due for set raises your management will still try to fuck you out of it at every opportunity.

yo, wtf happened in 1973? why do you fucks let yourself get raped this hard?

>projecting he says while living under grandma's roof

>Retail shouldn't be the "end all be all" job.
Who said it should? That doesn't mean that competent workers should be denied extra compensation and/or benefits. Currently they're rewarded with extra responsibility and no compensation.

Kek I just got accepted into a big union for a 5 year apprenticeship and the guy I've been with for two weeks is the fattest, laziest person I've ever worked with. We'll spend 5 hours sitting in the van and take 30 minutes to do one thing. I'm sure not every guy is like that but working for a union is comfy as fuck.

>It just protects shitty employees and people who don't want to put in actual work.
No it doesn't, you're one of the morons that's been taught Unions = bad.
> If someone was already a good employee and had decent relationships with their managers the union does absolutely fucking nothing for you
That's meaningless, they are not your friends. They are your bosses and they will toss you the fuck out no problem. If anything, it'll just get you more work and they'll expect you to do more.
>You shouldn't think it's perfect and just want to stay at it forever.
Lol oh man, I know a woman that worked at my families store for 25 fucking years. Did nothing else with her life and was about to kill herself when she found out that no one really gave a shit and for some reason expected to become head manager or something. I have no sympathy.

reminder: union workers get about iirc 1.2x the pay AND benefits on average, as well as having more job security from being fired
However, unions are only good IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN IT
unions are bad if you are trying to get a job because the benefits it brings employees inherently makes them
1. more expensive
2. harder to remove
thus riskier
meaning companies are more reluctant to hire new, especially inexperienced, employees. And it accelerates automation (which in fairness will happen regardless).
further, if you are actually good at the job/a desirable employee, unions will only hold you back as they favor seniority over ability (unions are inherently to help those with lower employability) as you would get those benefits/pay/security regardless due to being desirable.
It also lowers the threshold to offshore the job
if you are a bottom of the barrel employee, unions are the death keel of your employability
>but what do I do if I have no skills/experience?
simple, you get fucked. Despite the implications of this post, I am not anti-union. Automation is inevitable, and the threshold for "too stupid/incompetent to be hired or have a good career" lowers everyday. Everyday the requirements for an entry level career will get more and more extreme for less and less pay. Unions will not save you, as not automating is genuinely an issue of national security. If your country doesn't embrace it, what will protect them from their competitors that do? Do you genuinely think you can get all the unemployables to unite? You can't. Your only long term hope is a UBI
pic related, vidya

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take your meds user, the world you're building in your head isn't real. not everyone lives in a third world shithole where they can't quit their job without getting hunted by their local tribe mafia

so, what your saying is, fuck the poor?
thanks for you support t. richfag

Mind your bizness.
Found another fucking retard.
That is true, but seems like you're fixated on it and letting it impact your job. I bet your causing more problems than she is.

Who are you replying to?


Its a tricky situation. Unions help share fairer share of the profits (for example both Amazon and McDonalds could pay every employee 40$/hour and still make more profit than most profitable company in the world in 2000). They help against being laid off without good reason just because you happened to annoy manager somehow. They help you survive until next job, avoiding unnecessary costs and efforts in moving/food-seeking/losing savings. They have so much good if they are lean and efficient. In Finland where I'm from unionized companies generally give much more wages and benefits, but require higher work output. Private companies want cheapest labor (that comes with middling skills and work ethic).

However in US many unions seem to be just childlike hugboxes that always think firing is wrong even if a good, valid reason for firing can be given. They are shooting themselves in the foot by being so overzealous.