Why is it that every criticism against W11 sounds like schizo rambling?

Why is it that every criticism against W11 sounds like schizo rambling?

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>we just NEED every laptop running it to have a webcam
kill yourself pajeet

Because you've already been enslaved by Windows 10's telemetry.

every criticism comes from insane linux shills who are convinced that everyone who doesnt use their garbage os is an indian marketer

because of an intel power point slide detailing how with their latest cpus on w11 they basically own your ass and you WILL like it

That's a typical bias about anonymous imageboard discussions
You go in with a preconceived notion (criticism of W11 is just schizo rambling), then if someone critcizes it you conclude he must be a schizo. After all, criticism of W11 is just schizo rambling

It just always happens when new windows comes out. I'm too young to remember much before w95 but it's always hurr durr new windows sucks never gonna update. Then they update anyway after some time and start the same schizo talk when new one comes out

I know plenty of people who skipped Vista and 8

>dismissing arguments before they're even made
cows aren't sacred but they ARE delicious

>your pc is not suitable to be upgraded to W11

I just don't see any reason to update to it. Microsoft even says my PC isn't capable of it because of TPM bullshit and I don't feel inclined to bypass that to install an operating system that obfuscates features that were easy to do before and overall makes things worse instead of better.

Microsoft is cancer.

I also know couple of tech nerds who swore to change to linux full time. Now they run w10 on every of theri 10 computers like there was never any problem

Because when the windows dick is that far up your ass, everything else sound like that.

linux pedos can't afford a piece of tape to cover their webcam

Because they've been moving closer to a model primarily relying on data collection for several iterations of Windows and haven't stepped up their game in over a decade while doing the equivalent of leaving shopping carts in the parking lot in terms of normalizing tech illiteracy.
Pointing out and making a big deal about potential vulnerabilities and downfalls is the best way to get people to consider the benefit of Open source operating systems (which are strictly superior at this point outside of the behind the scenes bribery that's keeping some software off Linux) and get concessions out of the industry and government since the alternative is that everything gets swept aside by the huge marketing budget a company like Microsoft can field.

>you need to use the latest version of Windows

>TPM 2.0
>Microsoft Pluton
also, in non-microsoft related news,
>Manifest v3
these three things are going to completely fuck over any pc user that isn't an npc that has one solely for facebook and netflix
adblockers will be banned on all chrome browsers, and nobody's outraged.
>f-firefox doesn't have this problem!
look, im not opposed to using firefox, it's not that bad. but it doesn't have much life left in it. it's merely surviving because of google's donations just so they can have a competitor and not get considered a monopoly by courts

Don't care, still using Windows 7.

i'll try it if i ever get a hold of a new gpu at a good price (read: never) until then no thanks.

I'll tell you why. Literally went back to Windows 10 because like a week ago the entire thing randomly fucked itself and bugged out. Broken taskbar, broken search, graphical flickering (maybe an AMD bug?) and some other things. You're clearly being an unpaid alpha tester for this pajeet programmed garbage. No thanks.

Attached: 1605660679016.jpg (1000x939, 85K)

Can't ungroup taskbar icons, making working with it close to impossible. Design favors free floating popups and the number of clicks to enable features such as VPN has more than doubled from Win 10. Multiple power user features have been pushed to the background under numerous clicks or disabled completely, compared to previous versions.

Windows 10 is a good OS, but Windows 11 is the first clearly full zoomer version where using the folder structure and many common usability features have been obfuscated in favor of a "pretty" UI.

In software industry some 10 years ago we had this term called "one click design". The idea is that everything should be accessible with the minimum amount of effort possible. Windows 11 is the furthest step away from that in any OS I've ever used. Just the grouped taskbars means that at any given time I have no idea what all I have open, or what I was working on. It even groups some different apps belonging to the same family under a single button, making it even more difficult.

Honestly I don't understand how more people don't have a problem with that.

works on my machine

People unironically use windows?

Yeah, and it did for a few months until that happened for no reason.

No one else is a retarded autist who has 30 instances of the same program open