Factual Opinions

•Quality is of objectivity (shooters may be the most skillful, but they're not WoW gameplay).
•Multiplayer is where the most intensity and fun is.
•Casual is such a niche behavior (mobile's 23 mins. / day) that relegating those designs to minimalism is the obvious option. Fun in gaming worlds is of leading the players' activities with excitement and risky status.
•Genres / archetypes are easy to fix. MMO's only problem is permanent equipment.

It's OK having extremely high standards for games / features. Fun is much more than a buzzword: "When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty." But sharing why it's fun, for example vs. other games / features and how common some implementations are, is great for the average quality of the industry.

It's summarized in a few story/lore aspects:
• foretelling-mysteries
• pacing and leading
• worth/characterization of humor

This is where a lot of the "equations" for intelligence are helpful: It's possible understanding what's relevant and probable by noticing the timing and substance of what's previous. That's where a lot of potential is for really putting together sequences of interesting material is.

Of romance is about people and many topics for dialogues. There's so much to a simple purity fantasy (of rapport and softness).


1/? (Post yours.)

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-06 133658.png (1920x1080, 3.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Silent protagonists are garbage and the only people who like them are pedos who are mad their underage feminist dyke 10 year old Fallout 4 or whatever character sounds like a 40 year old smoker woman.

Attached: 1646287303344.jpg (610x1280, 128.65K)

This is about ratios / proportions. There are so many anatomically minimalistic-quality characters, especially faces, but also bodaciousness, fitness levels, postures, and poses. …There are trends for faces because there are simple chemical guidelines for cell propagation (phi; strength, fascia stretching, circulation, flexibility, and nutrition). There are plenty of other subtopics here also.

So much innovation is plausible in this industry. Character action in RPGs and other types of games are still mostly a button or two, and the directional inputs of fighting games are arbitrarily dense (even though they're very allowing for really deep, dancing-esque gameplay and diverse characters). Spaceship physics are still quite basic, with Freelancer and EVE having some of the fastest, deepest PvP. It's really easy and simple.

The best designing philosophy for lasting, fulfilling games is raising the skillfulness ceiling and allowing hobbyism.


Post about favorite experiences, and the most intriguing aspects of gaming / genres / features to you.

Objective gameplay is possible because features are qualifiable and gameplay experiences are quantifiable vs. others.

Attached: Gameplay - Skillfulness.png (800x600, 55.91K)

>Shooters are the most skillful
Yeah right.

•Have aiming.
•Have mobility.

Attached: ~Prefacing Objectivity - An Explanation on the Popularity of Shooters.png (328x415, 67.62K)

>wow enthusiast
opinion disregarded, here's your (you) faggot

>Multiplayer is where the most intensity and fun is
Only if you play with friends. Otherwise, multiplayer is cancer.

ESL detected, opinion discarded

Attached: 65bd2dd75748add07b3d182c97a63e64.jpg (661x661, 88.81K)

>multiplayer is cancer
only if you lose

Here's a factual opinion for you. ESLs are the worst.

"Overall our results suggest that players of RTS games have
greater cognitive abilities, in particular their object tracking abilities, than do FPS players given similar amounts of playtime"
I can link studies too.

>[No actual criticism of the gameplay].

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-06 150130.png (1920x1080, 3.14M)

>Only if you play with friends. Otherwise, multiplayer is cancer.
Competitive gameplay is like roleplaying a ninja.

meanwhile every rts thread is full of actual illiterates screeching and flinging shit everywhere

>it's another maze rat having a moment of clarity just so he can comfort himself by coping on an anonymous imageboard.
Back to the maze you go, time to do your daily Skinner Box routine. You don't want to fall behind other rats, now do you Mousekewitz?

>[Not a specific criticism].

>participants were presented with 16 circles, of which from 1 to 7 could be labeled as targets requiring attention. Once the trial began targets were indistinguishable from non-targets and moved randomly on a gray background. The end of each trial prompted participants for a yes/no answer on whether a highlighted circle was part of their tracked set.
It's not exactly reaction speed.

Attached: Objectivity - Spatial Intensity.png (613x113, 13.17K)

What exactly are you suggesting?

It is a specific criticism, go grind duolingo for another year or two and then come back

"Hey, buddy, I have a problem with you."
"What is it?"
"I can't tell you."
So, I'm mysterious, and user think's I'm cute.


Attached: IMG_20200625_201254.jpg (240x240, 9.45K)

>actually responding to autistic Ian