No fucking way BTD bros

What the fuck

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this meme got around

Round round get around, I get around, yeah
(Get around round round I get around, ooh-ooh) I get around


based as fuck beach boys posters

>frequently tried making a bunch of Beach Boys shitposts last year
>rarely got replies
You are my successor, user. God only knows what I'd be without you.

It's when you least expect it

>steals our memes anyways
why do they always do this

they hate us cause they ain't us

Attached: boots on the ground boys.jpg (480x360, 74.51K)

I forgot about Any Forums's intellectual property claims on every meme that has entered its gilded halls

the soiboi meme came from here though
if you want to get really specific it all started when one guy was spamming the boomer wojak everywhere until it spread to twitter and then "okay boomer" became the new FOTM meme

that was a twitter meme first
you aren't wrong in general though

All the frogs and jaks you post weren't made or posted here first, chud.

Attached: The Body Of Christ.png (1080x1438, 945.06K)

Two Soijaks Pointing is a cultural touchstone and will one of the primary things that defines this era.

I mean, it's very common for normalfags to take ideas from here and replicate them everywhere, and then spam them to the point that they become hated here

I like all these apple bottom jeans edits

It's cute when monke does it.

I am shit at Bloons, any tips on not being shit?

watch others play it
read strategies

And they say Any Forums isn't influencial anymore...

Congrats on being boring enough that the most boring and most creative people use the same templates that you do

There exist a Snes game with that meme on the box with a soldier.
It came decades ago. This is nothing new.

ok fucking prove your shit

they think nine gag and /funny actually created it.

it still hurts me inside when i see the reddit edits of the rage face/comics.

the stupid shit you tertiaires will come up to in your dellusional craving for attention, holy shit.
At least have the spine to post the twitter post you are yapping right now, parasite

Are you even remotely aware of how mainstream most meme formats are these days

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