Games where the good path is actually evil?

Games where the good path is actually evil?

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Cobalt? I thought all modern batteries where made out of Lithium.

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I don't see what's supposed to be evil here?

Oh no the poor blacks have to work, how awful. Can't we just get them some more gibs?

These children do not work, the parents sell them as slaves for about 100-200 dollars.

That implies they recieve compensation. The best they get is not having both their little negro hands chopped off for being too slow or some shit like that.

The slave mines are mostly owned by Chinese landowner btw

Why are Africans such a servile, compliant race?

The good path is the "Rebels", since the other 2 paths are two dimensional evil and the last alternative is having a shitty anticlimatic game with the Anarchy path.

The rebels constnatly spend the game being shitheads, sabotaging you, fighting with each other, being incompetent and forcing you to do everything yourself and despite everything you do for them they BARELY support you and if you don't lick their boots they IMMEDIATLY abandon you. There's a moment in which you're forced to decide if you want to kill a baby or lose the chance to recruit the new guys the Rebels sent you to get, if you refuse to kill the baby the Rebels get mad and send you a letter telling you how they all abandoned you and you're shoved into the Anarchy path so to stay on the "good" path you need to kill a baby and pander to baby killers.

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What? Why does slavery exist when there are no white people? This doesn't line up with what I've been taught...

My god that sounds aggravating. Was the point to show that sacrifices are necessary or was it just weird stupid "we'll not everyone is perfect sometimes we kill babies" type of """deep""" character writing

Ask Nestle how it gets its cocoa, the answer is slaves.

You need to kill the baby to end the Curse on the land which demands that the last living regent dies and you killed Papa regent so that leaves the baby in charge.

So killing the baby is kind of the "good" choice because by doing so you end the curse, but literally the curse is just a few sandstorms, people could just leave the area, the problem is the group you're sent to recruit is super bloodthirsty and mad at the regents so they want baby blood and if you say no they have a meltdown and threaten to kill you and if you say no again you outright lost all progress you made with the Rebel path.

Funny enough they added a mary sue option in which you can just say "Akthually the mom of the baby can just say the baby is no longer regent and the curse is broken tee hee!" so you don't have to kill the baby nor lose the alliance but it's such a shitty cringe choice that takes away all the drama and ruins the plot.

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White colonists murdered the non-compliant ones.

>to stay on the "good" path you need to kill a baby and pander to baby killers.
sounds like modern politics tbqh

The modern era has allowed white people to profit off of slaves who live in a different continent. You think the Africans are mining that cobalt for their own manufacturing industry?

>gets 80 mpg in your path

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Fuck, most "good" endings are incredibly short-sighted or over simplified


Fuck off, scum! I care about the people being used. You don't care because you're a racist asshole!

So why do people seethe about moving towards new technologies?

>greta only ever criticized giant industries and the occasional vanity project from rich fucks
>images like these pretending like she ever advocated for the personal responsibility of individual citizens pops up all over the internet
How come? I don't even care that much for the lass nor even the environment at large. But it's always interesting seeing Any Forums, a videogames board at that which shouldn't have anything to do with the discourse surrounding the internet let alone Greta. Post these images that presents almost the opposite message of what she advocated for.

I prefer naked bikes.

Funny enough i googled to see if someone was pissed off like me at the fact they gave a mary sue choice so you didn't have to face any hardship and you just had to "press to win" because of the "save the baby AND keep the alliance" choice, and it turns out people were angry the game allowed you to kill babies to begin with, and that steam discussion went on for like 5 pages about how abortions are good and fetus are not people but how killing fictional children is bad

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This image implies she knows where all the materials come from in terms of human labour, however, Oilson Goldberg and those rich assholes sure as hell know and they don't care