Why don't we have more Sci-Fi MMOs?

Why don't we have more Sci-Fi MMOs?
All of the major MMOs out right now are high fantasy.

I just want to play as a Robot.

It seems like all Sci-Fi MMOs are bound for failure.

>Planetside 2
>Elite Dangerous
>Phantasy Star Online
>Destiny 2

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You didn't even mention the best sci-fi MMO that ever existed, I don't blame you since you're a zoomer.

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>FireFall and Skyforge

Okay boomer

PSO isn't an MMO, it's an online dungeon crawler. It's also the best video game ever made.

If Destiny 2 and Elite Dangerous are MMOs, then PSO is an MMO.

>PSO failed
i guess if your only exposure to it is the recent NA pso2 release or NG.

wasnt the housing in that said to good?

Yes, those do make you a zoomer, I know damn well you didn't play those in their prime, you little faggot.

He isn't wrong, they are failures in the west, the eastern market is a different story however.

He obviously meant NGS.

Why can't mutts into sci fi?

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PSO was a massive success relative to its time. it's just that nobody has made anything that improves on it in all aspects yet.

I wish we had firefall but better

only one in your list thats a failed MMO is wildsrar

Fuck you for making me dig this out of my dresser

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Sci-fi in general tends to perform worse than fantasy across the board, we don't have as solid a foundation for generic sci-fi as we do fantasy because of media saturation on the latter. Sci-fi still is strongly held between star wars and star trek in popular culture and normies don't have the imagination to accept anything they haven't already been fed for decades. You could also blame the fact that sci-fi has had to radically adjust itself every decade or two into completely different forms due to technology creep as well.

Is that spiritual successor still happening,?

Well we do have Eve Online, which is arguably the only truly successful mmo

no idea I decided to stop paying attention to game development after huxley disappointed me

It's still in pre-pre-alpha after how many years?
It's never happening.

This, sci-fi is alot harder to do a mmo setting because you need to justify or go around problematic concepts like guns vs magic/swords, and if you do the latter you kinda break suspension of disbelief

Thanks for reminding me nigger.

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It's weird seeing people mention Firefall. I used to play a bit of just about every shitty/dead (M)MO game back in the day, even Global Agenda (couldn't actually remember the title, had to look it up), but the only thing I remember about firefall is that dumb truck.