Apologise to Hello games

Apologise to Hello games.

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helo :)
Gaems :D


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Hello games I am sorry

No. The game still sucks

Fuck this "work can be fun!" movement. You're there to do a fucking job, not play in the activity corner.


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Have you worked a job for a long period of time? You need some fucking break from this "work, work, work" shit. There was a thread earlier about this same shit. Anyone who gets genuinely upset about this type of shit, or coworkers doing a little dance for 8 seconds on the job, or people not working 100% of the time for 8 hours straight, I'm convinced they've never worked before. This type of stupid shit can only come from a child or larping NEET. Work isn't fun all the time, sure, but breaks are necessary so burn out and crashes don't occur. This shit is cringe but the idea that "no fun ever allowed" at work is retarded.


They better be vegan and gluten free through, or else I'm contacting hr.

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>This shit is cringe
That's the problem. Nobody's saying you can't/shouldn't take breaks at work or that you can't slack off now and again, it's the company forcing the idea of "fun at work" that's entirely cringeworthy and needs to end. An office shouldn't have a bar, or a play area, or quirky sayings on the walls. It should still be an office.

Different user but I worked daily 7 to 5 before my homeoffice.
You won't get paid for resting. I don't need a work campus.
Some people made a smoke break ever 40 minutes but in return stayed until night each day.
I'm there to be there as short as possible.
Going in,do my work work, go home and take care of my private life.

I think this is a american mindset that your work is your life.
I watched multiple youtube videos of people working in burgerland.
>Wow, so great! Playroom (wtf), paid gym etc. etc.
Then basically work until 8 or something lol
That is a sad exsistance. No wonder everybody is so isloated these days.

Fuck off loser. I'm 36 and worked since I was 18. This shit is moronic, and I can guarantee you the high performers in the workplace don't participate. Its always dicksucks and HR slaves that push the agenda. Which one are you?

>Then basically work until 8 or something lol
That's the idea. They add these things to the office to try to convince you never to leave. Of course, some guy got fired for sleeping on a couch at Google overnight because they said he couldn't do that. He said everything was there, so why should be go home? Still need to pay Mr. Sheckleberg $4000 a month to rent a pod.

fucking faggoids
>yay gamez


>Still need to pay Mr. Sheckleberg $4000 a month to rent a pod.
Thats actually a good point.
I read before that jews stay with their parents until they marry and inherit the wealth instead of renting.
Something to think about.

being better than bethesda doesnt make them good

>I read before that jews stay with their parents until they marry
I had the option of doing that, but both my siblings ARE married and still live with my parents and grandparents. There's now 8 people in a house that was small when there were 5 of us. I couldn't live there any longer and gladly pay $800 a month to not have too deal with it.

After them

Apologise to Hello Mario Engine.

I am there to make money in exchange for labor. Not waste my time around some break room and spend time with people I don't want to talk to. I simply go to work, do my job and then go home. This is the work of some useless HR office cunt trying to force something.

They should just put "Food" like a normal adult/human being. "Noms" is just cringe and makes you feel like the management is a bunch of hipster faggots.