Monster Hunter

So, demo is out, post your opinions!
Astalos is unironically very fun fight that was made even better, but I have feeling tht people who didn't liked gu's lagi won't like his new moves
Malzeno as a demo fights go is on easier side(harder than demo nerg at least)
Jungle is the best remade mp yet(including 4th gen remakes), but it feels kinda small

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>Jungle is the best remade mp yet
It's ass.


you're ass

Do wyvernians existing means that someone fucked a dragon at some point? Important question plz answer.

>Any Forums hates rise maps now
>Any Forums hates Astalos
>Any Forums hates new jungles
Honestly, fuck you faggots

i didnt even realize astalos got a new move

Pic related suggests we’re getting 23 large monsters at launch, and we already know ~15, those being the ones on the site, the inevitable final boss, and Shagaru. We don’t know what the final 8 are gonna be since the demo doesn’t list the names

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how did they remake jungle so well and then theres sandy plains and flooded forest? why do those feel so much worse than jungle in rise?

no, wyverians are just a line of humans that evolved from wyverns, where humans evolved from some common ancestor of apes

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*teleports behind u*

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>there's going to be a skill that replaces Wyvernstake

oh boy

Rise's maps were always bad

Rise maps not only look like crap but every single vertical area and element was an utter waste because not a single monster uses them.

Sandy plains was great too, faggot

Astalos doesn't feel as good to hit as in GU. I don't like how he sometimes doesn't get knocked down anymore after knocking the electricity out of wings
New moves are alright. Hard as hell to dodge compared to GU's version. Other than that he still feels like Astalos, which is a good thing

>Goss Sub
>Magna Sub
>Furious Monke
>Gen 3 mon
>Gen 5 mon (Nerg most likely)
>A new monster

it was alright, original is still better though.

because no underwater makes flooded incomplete

Sandy Plains is almost unrecognizable compared to its 3rd gen version. If the name wasn't given I would have thought it was a completely new map

Not really, hot parts sucked ass
Only if you never played tri or 3u.

Switch skill swap is fucking with my head, it'll take a few hours for me to get used to.
>Try to power through attacks with GS's charge and rage slash, nope I have TCS equipped
>Try to do the new counter, nope it's the wirebug charged move
Also I thought the skill swap evade was on the spot but it takes a while until the character does the pose and you can jump.

They've unlocked the frontier doors, I doubt they'll be that predictable

There will not be another Frontier in base, I'm already annoyed Espinas is in because I will have to listen to retard takes like this forever now.