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Enjoy your gaming.

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Best movie was the Rundown.

is he wearing makeup?

Why do these wrestlers always aim for movies when their career starts to run dry?

Attached: 161535446729.jpg (324x314, 24.22K)

Most likely, yes

because they have huge fanbases and a decade of acting experience

>250 millon networth
I dunno, why you gotta ask some stupid shit like that

>why do actors try to break into different acting

What did he mean by he delivers extra large cheese pizzas often?

wrestling, despite not being real wrestling, is taxing on the body and actually pretty dangerous, simply because of unprofessionalism and incompetence, safer to get out after a certain age

They have years of "acting" and doing stunts work, seems like a natural progression.

Nigger, he's been doing movies for like 20 years now. What's wrong with you?

The Rock did it before his wrestling career died, and it's because if you make it remotely big acting pays way better and doesn't require you to take gallons of steroids until your balls fall off.

>why do actors do actor things

Theres no money in entertaining rednecks and spics. There is money in attachching yourself to a franchise, being charismatic and selling yourself so youre in every action movie that gets shat out by Hollywood


A challenger appears

Post more Rock tits thx

because action movies pay shitloads compared to rasslin, if you have the charisma that is, not many rasslers do.

>starts to run dry
He was at his peak of popularity when he started to branch out, and he was able to branch out because he was so popular to begin with. You'd have to really, really love wrestling to be on the road for 300 days a year doing it instead of making a few movies and making 500x as much money

I already do.