Todd tries to quell the masses after fears over procedurally generated content

Todd tries to quell the masses after fears over procedurally generated content.

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>doubles down with more lies
jesus man...

Daggerfall is procedurally generated except it's the same seed and I never see anyone complaining

I dont care, space stage of spore is still better and its not even the best stage of spore.

Todd... buddy.... not like this...

That's because Daggerfall was released in 1996. Procedural Generated content was still very new and amazing especially in the 90s. This trend went on till about the mid 2010s when gamers realized how inferior the content was to handcrafted stuff. This was especially true from games like Starbound were procedurally generated content was a crutch.

Procedural generation reached its logical conclusion with Minecraft and No Man's Sky. You can't do anything better than Minecraft or bigger than NMS.

All the planets are made of rocks and dirt anyway so it's not like there are any interesting planets to potentially even see.

>All the planets are made of rocks and dirt anyway so it's not like there are any interesting planets to potentially even see.
which is fine, procgen planets in starfield will basically be radiant quest zones. simply never go there, or go there if youre just that fucking bored, need extra materials or cash, or want a weird place to build your settlement away from civilization

>take Minecraft biomes
>generate each about a dozen times
>boom, 1000 planets
And the saddest thing is, Starfield probably wouldn't be nearly as interesting as that.

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Nobody who has actually played Daggerfall is still alive. It is only hipsters that say they have that still talk about it.

Daggerfall is a terrible comparison. Exploration was never the fucking point in Daggerfall, that game had an Oregon Trail-style fast travel system that you were supposed to use while keeping track of time. No-fucking-one actually intended for you to travel anywhere outside of cities on foot unless you were really bored, because there's nothing fucking there, just randomly generated plains and tree sprites with occasional monsters. Arena had the same system, except the space between cities and dungeons was literally infinite (you can walk outside the city and walk in any direction forever, you will never reach anything), so you had to use the aforementioned fast travel. Daggerfall was expanding on that.

Modders will just eventually replace all planets with handmade ones.

at least modders won't have to fight over locations to put their shit like in skyrim

minecraft worldgen can make some really interesting formations, though. I'd like that

Please do tell. What would a "handcrafted planet" look like? How big would it be?

The very generous interpretation is that radiant quests are exclusive to the proc-gen planets, so all the 'real' dungeons only have unique quests, and hand-placed contents instead of a large treasure chest identical to every other dungeon and infinitely respawning bandits/draugr.
Would be more inclined to believe the generous interpretation if it was anyone but Todd.

>than any bethesda game
wow that's... like a lot. I love when devs promoted the game with "game has a lot of words!".

That's the problem - Starfield will certainly be shittier because Minecraft's worldgen relies on its blocky predictable structure, but Starfield doesn't have that, it needs to generate realistic terrain. So you can't go crazy with it, or some poor faggot will have to actually check all those fucking planets to make sure the math didn't fuck up anywhere.

>people will now defend procedural generation