Door is opened remotely

>door is opened remotely
>switch is hidden in some arbitrary location and only exists to waste the player's time as they wander in circles for 5 minutes looking for it

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the whole series

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I was thinking elder scrolls but yeah, that too. These games love to waste your fucking time

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Pardon me for not designing my castle to suit the needs of complete strangers.

If you wanted to keep strangers out you could have used a key instead of a secret button on the other side of the castle.

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>a key
Vulnerable to rogues.

Doesn't it get kind of annoying when you need to walk the opposite direction to flip a switch only to walk back so you can use the bathroom?

You know what's also vulnerable to rogues, as well as every other type of adventurer? A stupid fucking switch. All you did was waste 5 minutes of my life before I got in anyway and stole all your shit. Not to mention the headache of being a servant in your maze of a castle, bringing your dinner every evening is a nightmare.

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That's what your servants are for.
It stumped you.

That's Amnesia, the whole game. Still enjoyed it though

Im gonna throw your car keys into the ocean and then say that "i stumped you"

Watch what you say. People worship these kinds of games

That's not a comparable situation if there's no hidden lever to start my car.

Yes it is. Key and lever are interchangable, they both open the thing. Go find your car keys asshole, i stumped you

This is a pathetic attempt my friend.
You're just wrong.

>*breaks window*
>*jumpstarts car*

lol get stumped

Your argument is literally semantics. Let me rip the switch to your bathroom off the wall and throw it into the ocean Stumped you, have fun pissing outside
Nice job breaking your own window

played super metroid for the first time recently and stopped after only a few hours. i really wanted to like it but it just feels like a slog if
1) you dont have infinite time to sink into it
2) you dont have a walkthrough pulled up
or 3) you dont already know everything

though it might also be because hollow knight was my first metroidvania and it completely blows everything else out of the water

No you're just wrong.
I built my secret escape tunnel to open when I press a hidden swtich from the getgo.
There was no removal of keys or anything like that.

I removed your hidden switch and threw it into the ocean. You've been tricked, bamboozled, given the run-around, trumped, and yes, even stumped. Shouldn't have designed your castle this way silly

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>*steals your money*
>*fixes my window*

what now?

>come to locked door
>need to find a key item to open it
>turn around and notice hidden path higher up
>go down path, killing enemies
>15 minutes later, finally get to end
>get a useless collectible
>its not the key
>go all the way back
>the key was in the same room the locked door was

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I do not understand the hype with the Metroid series
Happy for people that enjoy it and the Samus porn is great

>*calls the cops*
>*you go to jail and become a prison bitch*
>*no longer have money or a car, just dick

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every time there's a choice in a video game I pull up a guide to see the results of each choice instead of just playing it blind

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This literally just happened to me in oblivion

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>steal the dick
>lock pick my cell
>bribe the gay prison guard (your mom) with dick
>drive to your house with my car
>break all your windows with dick

what now?

Your BBC can't possibly be both thin enough to pick a lock and thick enough to break my windows. checkmate atheists

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>your bbc cant possibly be both thin enough to pick a lock and thick enough to break my mother