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What makes Blink Dagger a strong but not broken item compared to LoL's flash summoner spell?

you cant use it while getting hit?

Yeah but that can't be just it. League has high mobility and flash is shorter than most of it and yet it is a balancing nightmare for Riot. As someone who has only dabbled in League, surely the gnat dick size flash is nothing compared to other forms of gap closers.

League is all about Skillshot dodging
Late game(and often early game) get hit by 1 skillshot = death
Flash prevents death
Flash is your equivalent of buyback

It's not free, simple answer. The dota map is also a lot bigger and more squirrely which makes it easier to get advantageous positions on your opponent without even needing an item, in League it's much trickier to do the same.

For me, it's this build

Attached: Overwhelming.jpg (1280x720, 105.06K)

because getting a blink dagger is a big in-game commitment (a massive wad of gold for an item that gives no stats unless you throw out another wad of gold so big that the total investment could almost buy you a Divine Rapier, an item so powerful that they have to give the enemy team an award for managing to kill you while you have it), while Flash in League takes all of 2 clicks to decide on, and the alternatives you forgo are all too niche to really compete with practically free burst mobility.

Attached: was ist das man.gif (599x223, 1.96M)

It's still overpowered compared to what it should be.

In Dota 2 its:
>12 second cooldown, no mana cost

Whereas in HoN, it was:
>15 second cooldown, 75 mana

Blink Dagger has a high cost of 2150 gold, the same price as a mid tier item that would provide a large increase in stats as a first purchase, which makes blink dagger less viable as an early purchase for most characters. The opportunity cost is too high unless you're someone like Axe or Tidehunter where being able to rapidly initiate fights early can translate into snowballing--most characters would rather have the extra HP or better right click in the early game, however.

There's also the fact that being hit disables blink, which means blink is less uesful as an escape compared to LoL's flash. Flash is very popular since it saves you from at least one gank at the start of a match usually and the other spells it competes with don't provide such a large impact or as consistent one. I don't know what LoL's balance for summoner spells looks like anymore, but in the past you had specific spells like Smite (For helping you jungle early), Ignite (For beefing up your early gank potential), and Heal (For providing a surprise burst of health against attacks) which all fell off in usefulness, and other things like Teleport had huge cooldowns which limited its impact. Flash provided consistent benefits throughout the entire game.

It's been 15 seconds for a loong time, like 6+ years. I think it was due to cooldown reduction getting added
The manacost thing will always be good, that change alone made like 10 heroes viable

Simpler answer: Dota has uncounterable instakills all over its roster, so random kiting/flashing/"footwork" is far less of a boon than in other games of the genre that don't have the same level of stuns and nukes.

You need your hero to be properly farmed to use it as well as your teammates be ready for tge follow up after the initiation
Rushing dagger is useless since your hero doesn't have the skills to properly utilize it
Revealing dagger early means that your enemies will play as safe as possible which lowers your chances to catch them off guard
This is why you never see naked dagger rush work in a pro environment

That's how it was in Dota too, but over the years it's gotten changed, usually with some justification in the patches where it happened.

Back in the day, you could blink even if you took damage (there was no 3 sec penalty) and 6.48 to name the most famous patch was considered the "buy 5 blinks first -> autowin" patch. The dagger at that time had something like 150 manacost and 25 second cooldown.

Yes, it's literally it. Back in the day blink dagger didn't have that limitation and it was just as broken. Now if you're in a teamfight and the enemy team wants you dead, unless you have a high mobility spell, you will never get your blink dagger off.

Also, 90% of carries especially cannot afford to fit this into their build because it gives no stats, so you will mostly see this only on initators and supports, not carries that use it to chase people down

It takes an item slot offers no stats costs 2100 gold and the game has more mobility variation in general

Of course this all gets thrown out the window when valve though it was a good idea to give blink stat upgrades.

Blink Dagger? Really?

>Uncounterable instantkills
The real reason why blink dagger is kept in check is taking damage disables it and CC in DOTA aren't a joke

>CC in DOTA aren't a joke
What do you mean?

Dota has things like 5 second long stuns, 600 AOE stuns, 600 AOE 5 second stuns, AOE ensnares that you can't jump out of, etc. it's very, very easy with the right setup to just jump whatever hero is showing on your map and bring them from 100 to 0 without the other player being able to do anything about it (of course teammates have means of counterplaying such initiations, but usually in Dota if a hero gets jumped properly they'll 90% die).

I love sand king, I have fun no matter what

2 second stuns are the norm, and some heroes have 5-6 second stuns, or multiple smaller stuns that can keep the enemy disabled for 5-6 seconds
this is almost always enough to kill someone if you have a teammate with you

Stormbolt is a basic ability that stuns for 2 seconds in an AOE and DOTA is designed to keep this in check by putting it on a strength hero who doesn't build mana, as well there isn't enough damage early game to kill someone in 2 seconds unlike league where one miss step = death