You can only take ONE game

You can only take ONE game

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Trials of Coldsteel 4

fuuuck without online play? Im thinking Animal Crossing or some open world game. Maybe Morrowind or BotW.

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Skyrim. No question.

Resident Evil 4

In Minecraft, you can do anything.

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Super Mario bros for NES

Would be better to learn programming and make your own Dwarf Fortress like game with lots of randomness. Then you can also make your own pixel loli art.

This guy isnt that bad looking except for the bit of unibrow going on. If hes an incel he just didnt try hard enough.

Oh and probably Mario Maker 2


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Ape Escape

He is not ugly why did he do it

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we need a femanons opinion on this

my glowie senses are tingling

because hes a retarded robot

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Most of these cocksuckers can get their dick wet if they actually try, the problem is their egos are so fragile that they can't accept that they're probably going to get turned down a few times, or realize they have higher expectations in what sort of woman they can pull. This 6/10 Cro-Magnon looking nigger can get a 6/10, but he probably demands an 8.

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He's autistic and was in sped.

Depends, do women classify him in the top 20% of desirable males?

he is too alpha for this world

Isn't this the guy who was a huge Kiwifag

I hope they throw the PS2 at this sicko.

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very cool

with exclusively phoenix games discs
Runnin' through these hoes like I'm Alek Minassian

because hes fucking retard that thinks he deserves women cause hes a "supreme gentlemen"

60 years ago this guy probably would have gotten an 8/10

At least he'll be able to get laid once he meets Bubba.

If he was an immigrant the headline would be
>"Islam scholar, Saudi Arabia funded mass murdered kills 11 in Toronto after Canada gave citizenship. Mother wishes he killed more"

he was actually a 70 IQ autistic retard and he came to Any Forums and took chad/virgin memes seriously. watch the police interrogation video.

don't you see that fucking haircut?

If he had a good job sure, a bitch is going to want a stable life especially back then, but he sounds like a fucking loser. He'd go from a current year loser to a 1960s loser.

I watched the interrogation. I watched the whole fucking thing. I've never cringed so hard at a piece of media in my life. Seeing someone tell a detective with a straight face that he "converted their life status to dead status" because of Elliot Roger stated an "incel rebellion" because he was radicalized by "red pill truths" that he learned on Any Forums was enough to put me in an out of body experience. And pushed me to reduce my time on this site since you realize that some of the retards here actually believe the shit they post