One day we'll all be too old to play video games at any capacity that's not frustratingly horrendously bad

>one day we'll all be too old to play video games at any capacity that's not frustratingly horrendously bad

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With the way video games are going that might not be bad at all.

He's got it better than Mike. Mike is so fucked.

This. Vinny's not too bad.
90% of Mike's stream is spent in pause menus though.

Vincent was always shit at games.

I dunno it used to be that Vinny was unbearable mainly in card games or other games of a similar nature
Now lately any time I try to watch any of his content I find myself bewildered at his badness and how he misses the most obvious way more than he used to

I meant more that Mike is physically fucked, but yeah, that too. People here joke about how Joel pauses the stream every five seconds to put a joke on screen, but Mike unironically pauses the stream every five seconds to quote a chat member that rustled his jimmies or to talk about some cuck bullshit.

It’s not even that he’s shit. This dumb fuck doesn’t take a moment to read instructions, ones that are often even shoved in your face. What’s worse is that he will talk mad shit about it too when it’s his own dumbass fault.

I don't understand what this thread is trying to say

Two things
>There's an age wall we'll all eventually hit where we're just too old for video games and cannot play them with any competence
>Vinny Vinesauce has hit this wall

Not as well as some 10 year old chinese kid

Im the same age as Vin and Ive never been better at games than now.
He simply has lost interest.


If that's the case I don't know why he came back when the fake cancel drama gave him the perfect out and he left for almost a year
Probably didn't wanna get a real job kek

It's not that he lost interest, it's that he prefers a casualized experience now instead of traditional enthusiasm.

what was the best stream and link it
i need something to watch i havent been able to play vodeogames for 4months eye injury its fucked up i can only really read and listen to things my visial acuity is so damaged in limited to a phone with brightness all the way down and the eye shield setting

How long til mods move this thread to again?

Attached: VINNY PuckSpark.png (1500x1000, 3.53M)

The only reason old people now are bad at video games is because they didn't grow up with them. Pro athletes play well into their forties now, and that's something that's way more physically demanding. Daigo Umehara is well into his forties and still beating everybody at tournaments. Maybe by fifty, your reflexes will have detiorated to a point where you can't set speedrunning world records or beat bullet hells on a single life. You're still going to be competent enough in 99% of games. Randoms in public matchmaking lobbies will not be any less retarded just because they're 20 or 30 years younger than you.

i mean, if you could make money playing vidya wouldn't you do it as well? i know i would. i'm simply too much of a sperg, but vinny has charisma in spades.

I wonder how that asshole is that tried to cancel him is doing.

>one day we'll all be PERMANENT

So? Can they still drive?

who do you think vinny HATES?

>try to watch one of mike's archived vods
>have to spam the "skip 5 seconds" button every few seconds to get to the game because he's in a pause screen talking about random shit
never again

I like Mike, but I really think he'd be a better podcaster than streamer.

I've sort of been mentally compiling a list of my favorite games that don't really require too fast of reaction times so I can play them when I'm like 70