Childhood is think Tom Nook is evil for forcing you into debt

Childhood is think Tom Nook is evil for forcing you into debt.

Adulthood is realizing Tom Nook will fund your life and hobbies as long as you're friends with him.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>pay off your mortgage by selling fish and apples
>You have 0% interest, Nook clearly isn't lending the money out of greed
>He also uses his FEARSOME TAKUMI MAGIC to make your humble house into a TARDIS the size of a warehouse inside while still comfy and small outside, for no extra charge

so you're saying tom nook is my sugar daddy

Didn't the creator of the series come straight out and say he hates the jokes about Tom Nook being some kind of greedy loan shark because they miss the point of his character entirely?

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I mean, we're all about to get affordable housing soon since the bubble is bursting.
It's already happening, the rest of the dominos will fall soon

Let me guess, you think 'affordable housing' is out of reach due to corporate greed, right?

holy shit how many of these "lol everything sucks but is great in Animal Crossing" comics are there?!

I want to fuck Tom Nook.

I mean he certainly dresses the part in NH.

Don't literal condemned shitholes in major cities like New York go for absolutely absurd fees because you're "buying the location"? And nobody is taking the bait? Also investors keep buying insanely expensive houses nobody can afford. Definitely feels like a breaking point.

Just like the 2000's bubble that exploded in 2008, am I right, fellas?

You wish! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAA big corps will buy the houses to lease. You will OWN NOTHING and you WILL be HAPPY.

Government is going to print money to bail out investment funds. Leaving everyone else holding the bag. Money will be worthless but government will ban us from bartering goods because taxes.

Everyone is poisoned by populism now, no one lives in reality or even wants to know the actual solution to their problems

Not sure, but a large part of it is that property owners will purposely post absurd prices in order to game the loan system. If everyone in the area sells their cramped shit hole for an exorbitant sum, then the valuation is technically that listed price. No one is going to buy it, but when the owner goes to get a loan, they can put house "worth" that exorbitant sum up as collateral, allowing for better loans.

Good luck enforcing that lmao

It's due to so many fucking factors. Shit urban planning, automobile hyperdependence, lumber shortages, shit city governance, deadbeat landlords, etc. But corporations sure as hell aren't helping, and I can hate them as well.

Read Derrida.

I get that impression, yeah. Rather than proposing to fix the problem through government when you get in control, they should see that government is the problem, no matter who's in control.

>lefties correctly identify the true enemies when it comes to economic oppression
>righttoids are retarded and think the corporations are a good thing
>lefty solutions to the problem are the most retarded commie bullshit imaginable
>righttoids have much better economic management skills but seek to empower the kikes responsible for the problems in the first place

>urban planning
im fucking tired of hearing this. every dy now theres someone who is bitching about this. Even people I know never mentioned it before are now complaining about it. Did a popular video regarding it go up on netflix or something?

You finally woke up.

No, because jews.

Both sides are just puppets to distract people from the real problems. I think the recent abortion shit is a perfect example of such a distraction. Literally who gave a shit about abortion until recently? It's just to take focus away from real issues.

Of course not
Suddenly cinder-blocks and bricks got really really expensive, that's all

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>Give no stress, zero interest loans to minorities who contribute greatly to the town, fit in with the local culture, and improve the economy
He's supposed to be the bad guy?

The truth is that all the jews got properly spooked by Occupy Wall Street, and after that is when all the identity politics shit started getting pushed about how the problem is oppressed women, blacks or gays. They love that shit because suddenly it's not about them anymore.

>the real problems
Like what?

So, Tom Nook is a groomer?

Explains why so many trannies make this game part of their personality.

What is the point of his character?