Has a video game ever made you cry?

Has a video game ever made you cry?

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No I'm not a woman or a gay

I cried when my mom unplugged the internet and I died and lost full rune on runescape

>crying over video games

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Agro was a good one, but my name is lara croft so horse scenes always have a way of moving me

no. It's as faggoty and degenerate as wanting to marry an anime character

I might have cried when I came across that bug in Soul Calibur 3 that corrupts everything on your memory card.
I remember being devastated, at least. Fuck you, Namco.

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I couldn't help getting emotional when Agro fell. Artax from The Neverending Story fucked me up as a kid.

only music makes me cry for some reason

cry as in rage, yes

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I cried to last of us and im not even ashamed, also cried in mgs4

yeah :(

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Yes, unironically Omori. I bought it after my birthday and loved the whole experience so much. I can't listen to "Duet" or "by your side" without tearing up months after I finished it. I was also going through personal shit at the time which made the game resonate more with me

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>valiant hearts when the old dude got executed unfairly
>ori and the blind forest when owl mommy sacrifices herself for her offspring
Im trying to think of more but I think that's it


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I teared up at the end of Endure Racer for Master System.

>John Marston getting shot so his family can escape
>Lee telling Clementine to keep her hair short

Yeah the final boss battle of Okami makes me cry, and the final moments of Persona 3 make me cry. I'm sure there have been others as well, but those are the two most memorable moments for me

NieR Automata made me cry at the end

Only vidya that has ever made me tear up is bioshock infinites ending.
I am a sucker for self sacrifice for the greater good.
then the DLC fucking retcons it but BaS 2 ending makes me feel sad too.

>JP vocalist of Weight of the World choking up during the song


all of these, also Explorers of Sky both when your character disappears and during the special episode 5 ending

Never cried while playing a game but I literally cried when I watched this video for the first time. It's kinda like the final scene of Cinema Paradiso but video games.

Every version of Weight of the World kills me

>"James... You made me happy."
I actually can't listen to the full letter without crying.

End of Yorha with the devs singing is like getting stabbed in the chest

Ico was some sad shit, son.
Thankfully the devs give you a hug after the credits

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only pathetic beta pussies cry

If you are a male and cry like a little sissy basedboy faggot. Then you should KILL YOURSELF INMEDIATELY

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I got a bit watery at the end of Yakuza 7, I admit it. Ending was good after that drag of a midgame.

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I literally cannot beat MGS 3 without shedding a single tear at the last line, every single time it gets me.

Yeah, bittersweet but fucking great

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Also I cry everytime at the end of MGS4.
Snake was a hero to me growing up so I can't not feel sad saying goodbye to him.

Even the main menu music takes on a whole different meaning after finishing the game.

I got teary when i played Kh2 at 14 when Tron killed himself. Not sure why but i did.


>To the moon ending
>Hollow knight ending
>LoK: Defiance ending
>Dark Souls 1 ending
>MGS 2 ending
>Fatal Frame 2 ending

Yea I teared at those games... Cry about it

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Endwalker had me in tears. I genuinely think its one of the most beautiful stories I've had the pleasure of playing in a MMO.

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Mass Effect 3 had a lot of flaws but Mordin's arc was not one of them.
>Would have liked to run tests on the seashells.

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>hollow knight
what the fuck

>To the moon
Why are indie fags so homosexual?

The music and the hollow knight stabbing himself, wanting to be over with got to me dood