What is the highest IQ Sonic game?

What is the highest IQ Sonic game?

Attached: Sonic_the_Hedgehog_CD_North_American_cover_art.jpg (243x409, 28.88K)

thats like asking for the shiniest turd


Hi arin

It's the best in the series.
>best soundtrack(s)
>best level design, encourages exploration but also rewards speed
>best special stages
>opening that has the purest soul
A masterpiece.

not at all, it's kind of an interesting question
probably sonic CD since it requires such a different type of playstyle that's not as straightforward as the other games

Rent free lol

definitely not forces that's for sure

Sonic 06
>Requires intimate knowledge of the movement & engine to avoid bugs
>Many playable characters, each with their own ways of interacting with the world
>Long loading times present many opportunities for self-reflection
>A story that doesn't seem like it should be so difficult yet filters many all the same; Smoothbrains STILL mock the scene where Sonic and Elise kiss

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Frontiers, which is why it makes all the midwits seethe.

Looking like frontiers at the moment

Sonic’s Edusoft

Attached: SonicsEdusoft_SMS_Title.png (256x192, 4.08K)

Sonic 2 (MS)

The levels are a mess. They are way too short and most of them doesn't allow to gain momentum efficiently. The bosses are also the worst of all classic games. Even chaotix had better better bosses

Attached: 57e4c8c1b7c22c87d5269533e6407f21-d62ex6c.gif (400x400, 139.42K)


Knuckles chaotix because only I have played it

>>The bosses are also the worst of all classic games

Come on you didn't even like the race with metal sonic?

I beat this recently (with all emeralds too) for the first time, that was one of the most stressful Sonic games I've played, especially Scrambled Egg with the platforms and tubes, if you fuck up with those moving platforms you just gotta take the spiky death, it's so brutral.

Sonic Rush
>kinda sucks on your first run
>fun as fuck on your second run with the other character



A2B. Why did you have to ask??

you can slip through the little gap on the left if you time the jump right but yeah game is brutal