Do you stand with Todd?

Do you stand with Todd?

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Remember: Mass Effect 1 also had tons of planets to explore.

They were all flat and had nothing on them.

Yes, Mass Effect was also made by Bioware, a dev not known for sandbox games, nor experienced in them

>You can climb that mountain
>The texture's resolution is 16 times higher
>Yes, I believe in 1000 planets
I love you Godd, I mean Todd.

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And Starfield is being made by Bethesda, a dev not known for space (or good) games, nor experienced in them

Skyrim is pretty shit but I never got the criticism of “see that mountain” shit. You CAN climb it

you know todd might be a liar but he is a reliable liar
everyone knows that Todd likes to exaggerate meanwhile on the other hand CDPR lied to everyone from day one

Todd never said you can "climb" that mountain. He said you can walk all the way to the top of it, which is true.

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>Land on a Starfield "planet"
>It looks like and is the size of a generic cave in Skyrim


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Is there a difference between climbing and walking up a mountain anyway? Both involve vertical ascension, which is exactly what Todd meant.

Todd genuinely has never told a lie. At worst, he exaggerated.

I did climb that mountain.

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I can't think of a single time Todd has outright lied.

>actually fucking bad
>actually subtlr and soulful

Nah. They made it far better

Literally all I care about is the ability to customize my ship and walk around inside of it. I'm sure it'll be pretty barebones and limited on launch but so was Fallout 4's settlement building and modders broke down most of those barriers within the game's first month, so I'll probably have fun.

Fuck big worlds and thousands of planets, I wouldn't care even if he was telling the truth.

I haven't liked a single Bethesda game and I've watched a lot of YouTube videos about them and see Any Forums talk about them a lot, and I just don't get it. I feel the same way with Rockstar. They don't really feel like "games" to me and realism is boring.

>Bioware, a dev not known for sandbox games
Versus Bethesda, a game notorious for empty open worlds with nothing in them? Are we supposed to forget that skyrim is literally fucking empty?
Draugr and randomized level 5 loot doesn't count as content.

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>notorious for empty open worlds with nothing in them
99% of people would disagree and say that Bethesda makes the best and most vibrant open worlds ever created. They're not notorious for shit other than bugs and boring storylines, the worlds are what everybody actually enjoys.

Notorious does not mean majority
Go play more skyrim you illiterate retard

The radiant AI demos are probably the best example, but my opinion has softened on this considerably too. It's probably something they genuinely planned to have in the game at some point, but either couldn't get it working or just couldn't fit it within their deadline. You can still count it as a lie though.

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Define content

Interestingly he was specifically talking about the Throat of the World
Yknow the mountain with a famous STAIRCASE that goes all the way to the top? Called Seven Thousand Steps.

When I turn on bethesda and rockstar games I feel like I’m playing 1999 graphics with 1988 controls with added input lag generic combat and a movie that last for a week long. Way bored.

This time he won't lie to me, I am sure of it. A guy called Hodd Toward told mecI can trust him this time.

He's probably not lying about the number of planets, it's just that 99.99% them will be devoid of anything interesting and only exist for the sole purpose of mining resources.

I love Todd's personal classic songs

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The lies tend to be in his implications.
UNLIMITED QUESTS isn't a lie, but he knew what they were and he knows nobody likes shitty fetch quests with 0 dialogue. So he didn't tell you there were unlimited number of those specifically.
You'll find that these sorts of manipulation tactics are referred to as a "lie of omission"

Did you know that theres an item on top of that mountain, Notched Pickaxe? I wonder how people with no access to modding tools and an empty wiki found out about it.

He doesn't really lie, just tells truth without full context. You can climb that mountain! Yes, you can, it's a trash experience with very little reason to do and no developer intention of it happening and no real mechanics for it but you certainly can. Now the same with 1000 planets, yes there are 1000 planets, with maybe 10bof of those having anything worth exploring.

They probably counted satellites as planets too.