Peak 3D Sonic Level design

>Peak 3D Sonic Level design
>Shitty gameplay

How many more 3D Sonic failures is it gonna take for Sonic Team to realise that this game, but with actual good controls is what makes a good modern Sonic

Attached: Sonic_Heroes_cover.png (264x376, 171.1K)

I replayed it last year and Rail Canyon is still cancer. The Chaotix missions are also annoying as fuck. Still had a good time, and it was nice to play in Japanese to hear how oddly cool Shadow sounds.

What's the best/easiest way to play this today? Is it emulating it on Dolphin?
With all the recent Sonic discussion I've had the urge to replay Heroes which was my first Sonic game and I absoluteelly loved it as a kid, with this scene being one of my all time favorite moments in a Sonic game.

While Heroes definitelly has problems compared to the Adventure games, I can't help but love the Team mechanic. Haven't played a Sonic game since the disaster that was Shadow the Hedgehog, but a Sonic Heroes 2 would definitelly pick my interest. Maybe it's because I was introduced to Sonic with Heroes, Advanced, and Battle, but I genuinelly don't care for a Sonic game if the rest of the cast is just relegated to Background

Attached: Some Nerve.jpg (1280x720, 91.38K)

Dolphin at 4k 60fps widescreen. Also while you're at it, use the hack/cheat that keeps Sonic at level 3 and this vastly improves the gameplay since you can play it more like a Sonic Adventure game by playing only sonic and using homing attack rather than having to switch to Knuckles for combat.

the best thing about this game (and probably sa1/sa2) is the music

>play first level
>collect key you need to kerp without dying for special stage
>game decides to kill me when I touched the dashpad right before a weird 3way loop that adds nothing to the game

I quit there, this game is objectively awful

>Remove level up mechanic
>Game improves tenfold


>which was my first Sonic game and I absoluteelly loved it as a kid
Jesus and I bet I can't even tell you that you must be 18+ to post on Any Forums. I'm getting old...

My first Sonic game was Rush.

My man, kids who grew up during the PS2 era are now hitting 20+
It's not 2011 George, you need to wake up

user this game literally came out almost 19 years ago, stop being retarded and thinking age equates to superiority due to "experience" or something like that. Based on the fact that you spend your free time trying to act superior to strangers on the internet I'm sure the only experience you have is with the crushing loneliness of coming home to an empty apartment after spending all day at you minimum wage job.

>Peak 3D Sonic Level design
Nah that's generations, Modern Seaside hill is the best designed 3D level in the damn series.

I find it fun but it's objectively pretty bad with shit like the Egg Hammers, and they know the egg hammers suck too because the hidden bonuses allow you to skip them.
If that's the case, why did you add them in the first place?


Same reason they added the lower section of Aquatic Ruin, to punish you for sucking.

The only argument I've seen for Heroes is "is gets good later"
Why can't it be good from the start? Why do I have to find 10 hermit crabs in a fucking Sonic game?
Heroes sucks, don't argue in favor of Heroes, that's what gets you retards that think it's better than SA2.

Don’t care
Still buying Frontiers

>peak level design
What the fuck are you retarded?
The levels have repeating segments far too often, the character gimmicks break the flow way too often, and most of the levels are far too linear to begin with. Then they have the audacity to ask you to do it 3 more times and play the worst special stages in the franchise.

Sonic heroes has shit gameplay with shit levels. It’s just shit. Worst game pre 06

It has to be people no older than 21 saying Heroes is good, it's really insane to try and think of any actual adults praising it.

>have to stop and kill a horde of enemies every so often, grinding the flow to a halt
>level up mechanic is cancer
>rail grinding is cancer and often leads to death

>forcing me to play the same game 4 times with slight variations
>combat is shit
>janky mess

I knew it was shit even as a kid

All I know is that the Egg Fleet is one of the most kino, if not the most epic of all of Sonic's stages and has never been topped.

It does get good from the start. If you're sucking at Seaside Hill, that's on you. Also
>Why do I have to find Emerald Shards in a fucking Sonic game.
This also isn't sectioned off in its own mode.