Why is an MMO expansion making me cry?

Why is an MMO expansion making me cry?


Attached: FFXIV Shaowbringers.png (1020x1120, 2.33M)

I finished shadowbringers in 2 days. I watched a 15 minute youtube video for the plot. It's not that great but the bosses are really cool I like how they've embraced chaos

These MMO expansions are the only good JRPGs of the past 20 years.

because you are a massive fucking faggot

You have XX chromosomes sis.

Official laugh at XIEVEniggers here.

>bad guy wants to kill lots of people so the remaining people can live in paradise
Unoriginal cliche motivation it's literally thanos, ffxiv fags think this shit is deep lol

probably the hormones you're taking making you an even bigger faggot than usual.

Probably because the writing, music, and voice acting (EN) are god tier.

You are so fucking pathetic.

>retarded skipper outs himself with retarded take

every fucking time

Trying too hard. You're just showing everyone how autistic you are, because you can't feel any emotion besides negative ones.

Don't forget they're most likely also schizo. Especially the retard who made that stupid thread like the sperg he is.

I like the expansion with the blue bird more.

the more i level in this game the more it looks like a generic korean mmo. glamours were a mistake

>no new IP

we get it dude you hate the game

say what you will but at least wowfags are somewhat aware of their own faggotry.
xivfags are oblivious to everything, including their addiction to wow.

spend 10 minutes in a novice channel conversation and count how many times WoW is mentioned

how bout i spend 10 seconds typing this message telling you to fuck off?

the hateboner for this game is hilarious

wowbucks will never stop seething

I didn't buy it. The whole ascian dindunuffin portrayal in ShB/EW is completely at odds with their actions in ARR/HW. Lahabrea in particular looks like even more of a psychopath compared to Emet and Elidibus.

its because they were making shit up as they went along