When has anyone ever said "oh boy...

When has anyone ever said "oh boy, I can't wait to manage my oxygen levels while trying not to get mauled by monsters or shot to death by a horde of pirates"?

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It'll matter about as much as radiation does in fallout so not at all

It's like No Man's Sky where you escape danger with your jetpack.

Attached: Starfield Official Gameplay Reveal.webm-00011.jpg (3840x2160, 2.75M)

Fucking love doing that in NMS

Or maybe that only works on low gravity moons.

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prob will be like 76 hunger and thirst, doesn't take much to pay attention to it.

Wow I sure am excited for another Bethesda Gamebryo product

>It'll matter about as much as radiation does in fallout
You can just wear armour to avoid radiation, does Starfield have armour that converts the atmosphere to oxygen and co2?

yes. There's plenty of reasons to hate this game, but actual integrated survival mechanics isn't one of them. Remember New Vegas' attempt at it? All you had to do was stuff an apple up your ass every few days or something I think.

>It'll matter about as much as radiation does in fallout so not at all

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I don't want to deal with survival garbage in general, don't care how realistic it is because I don't play games for the realism

There will be a perk that lets you recycle garbage you find into oxygen

CO2 is bad.

>Uses RadX
>Uses RadAway

NV has so few locations with any rads that none of them are a problem, you'll have 20+ Radaways and Rad-X by the time you get to Novac.

I'd be into it if it worked like Outer Wilds's jetpack/oxygen mechanics, but it won't because Bethesda isn't that cool.

>complaining about science in a sci fi game

Borderlands pre-sequel?

Isn't it time for another booster?

Do I look like a wagecuck to you?

I hated this place, fuck vault 34. The rifle was nice though

Starfield will unironically have worse level design than a borderlands game.

Skyrim 2 died for this shit.

That actually sounds really fun, so I'd be willing to bet Bethesda won't do it.

Resource management is unfun garbage

So they took Back to the Future's Mr. Fusion and equated a nuclear reactor with an oxygen tank?

Yeah who cares about exploring or gameplay when you can spend the whole time watching meters go up and down

Retard doesn't understand science may as well be magic in sci fi games

yeah it sucked

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Metro actually had good gameplay and graphics though

Metro only sucked because it was super linear. Having to manage your oxygen can be a super fun mechanic in games like Prey or Outer Wilds.