For fuck sakes how can a game in 2023 have silent protagonist

For fuck sakes how can a game in 2023 have silent protagonist

Why the fuck are Bethesda appealing to boomers who just care about complex mechanics and walls of text.

No modern RPGs are about mechanics it's about how it's presented, what story it tells, it's about the main character. Why is Bethesda returning to the fucking past, it should be taking notes from the Witcher 3 and Horizon instead it's trying to be a boomer RPG with modern aesthetics

Paul Tassi is 100% right here

Attached: starfield sucks.png (585x693, 428.87K)

Voiced protagonists are dogshit in RPGs period there's not a single one with any good choice It's limiting to the genre.

Golden Turd standard I presume. Isn't that the game where the forced protagonist never shuts the fuck up?

Are you an idiot? The whole point of silent protagonists is that you self insert and immerse yourself as your character you fucking mongoloid.

Die zoomoid

RPGs are about divergent story, options, and gameplay you fucking zoom zoom.

There is so much shit you can give a VA to say before options just start sounding the same and lead towards the same direction with only 2 to 3 given responses.

Why do you retard Any Forumstards can't spot falseflagging OPs?

Why are responding to a bait thread twitter screen cap, go do something else

I like that it's an admission that Fallout 4 was shit

God you guys are horrifically retarded. Every single person who has so far responded to this thread is a fucking moron. How you fucking idiots know how to read and yet you cant tell worlds most obvious bait apart from a genuine post, how did you even manage to navigate and post on this website. how do you even manage to turn on your computer.

Any Forums? God you fucking faggots just go without one day without mentioning politics? And what the fuck does my comment have to do with Any Forums? God killyourself you fucking abortion bucket baby.

I'm allowed to respond to bait threads. You are here too. Kill yourself faggot.

>Why the fuck are Bethesda appealing to people who want good games
yes but sarcastic no.

Based Todd. Kino incoming.

I'm pretty sure Todd himself said in an interview that a voiced protagonist was a mistake.

>haha got'em!
Nah brah.

Every year Any Forums gets easier to b8.

>he thinks that bots only make threads but never reply

do people actually listen to voice acting instead of skipping as soon as they finish reading the text?

what the fuck does horizon dawn do with npc interactions thats so groundbreaking?

Shame they came to that conclusion so late after ruining Fo4

What is significant about Horizon's NPC interactions?

There's plenty of things wrong with F4, it was going to be ruined regardless.

Nothing, it's just a literal who, who has never played anything besides Western AAA games made in the last couple of years.