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They literally can't even define "woman", what did you expect?

>women are retarded
color me surprised

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why are you so obsessed with trans people they aren't harming anyone.

the eleven your old had an iq of 80?
What, was it a monkey?

americoids really think mentally retarded crossdressing men with AGP are women...

>conservitards STILL obsessed with kids genitals

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>80% to 71
so he was already retarded

it's not stupidity preventing them from defining "woman," it's cognitive dissonance.

well they inherited that IQ from the parents that allowed that to happen

They're harming themselves.

>Hijacking human development will cause humans to not develop properly

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Trump lost
Putin lost
Hitler lost
Fascist Italy lost
Imperial Japan lost
The confederates lost
Derek Chauvin lost
Biden won
BLM won
Trans women won
Ukraine won
You will never have sex with women

yes? and?

Would they still be able to post about video games on a video game board though???

as opposed to the non-obsession of wanting to cut them up

what if i want to fuck a cute trap girl who spams chud sites?

Tranny drugs literally make you retarded lmao

a person living their truth doesn't harm anyone.

Daily reminder that trannies are still less cancerous than females.

>cited science
>here's 1 single example
That's not how science works.
I'd believe it but you can't cite a single example as evidence for something.

Any Forumstard incel to faggot tranny lover pipeline

Genital mutilation is self harm.

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>Trans women won
Won what, the speedrunning life competition?

anime tranny to tranny v poster pipeline

it harms themselves

So does this mean FTMs are getting an IQ increase?

oh nonono!

bottom surgery makes a person feel more like their true selves its the opposite of self harm.
denying their true selves and being closeted leads to self harm

simp to simp pipeline

I thought IQ was pseudoscience

I mean they want to maim their healthy bodies because discord told them it's a good idea. Didn't need any math to come to this conclusion.

IQ can be adjusted for age, sometimes when people are talking about IQ they adjusted it and sometimes they dont

it probably meant IQ of 80 in comparison to a 25 year old

based user lying to people with mental illnesses to cull the weak

stop posting 'boy-moders'

I'm honestly neutral/apathetic toward transgenders but I can't shake the feeling that in 5-7 years we're gonna see some documentary showing actual kids regretting this or recalling trauma that's gonna be weaponized against the LGBTQIA+ movement.
Like, it'll be Jesus Camp on steroids and make that Matt Walsh crap going on look tame in comparison.
And to be honest, I'll do nothing but watch

>ukraine won
under what way did they "win" because they havent even won a pyrrhic victory

You're a gay guy stuck in the closet?

Are we ever going to get a day of reckoning when all these goons who supported and pushed teen/pre-teens to transition admitting that they fucked up? There's going to be a massive wave of suicides/regret stories coming in the next decade.

Yeah we knew already. Next you're going to tell me they have a high correlation with internet porn addiction and narcissistic personality disorders.

no such thing as 'their' truth
there is only 'the' truth
and they're wrong

Liberals want to talk to kids about their genitals in schools.

While I admit that "highest per-capita suicide rate" is impressive, it's not what I'd choose to boast about.

It should've been a 3 days war for Russia. Maybe 7.

>women are dumber than men

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>OP literally just proved that trans people are harming kids with their agenda
retarded tranny join the 40% already


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when they demand corporations and government to subsidize themelselves and fire truth tellers, it affects everyone

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IQ is based on age in a group of his peers relatively
That either means he made no cognitive gains compared to his peers (they were getting smarter relative to him) or he actually regressed assuming his peers didn't become any more intelligent.


>causes massive political disruption to the point it literally rips western culture apart
>also catches more retards in its ideology

Trannies are worse than dropping birthrates.

Not vidya, fuck off.

Nope, they'll all just backpedal and say they thought it was in the kid's best interest at the time. None of the corpos involved in this shit will ever see any repercussions.

False. The vast majority of trannies makes it their whole personality. So in turn they brainwash impressionable youths.
So yes, they do hurt others.

Suicide is not cool. Take Etika for example. What was he trying to prove by hurting himself?

>"talking crap"
What most likely happened
>"gross, get away from me you freak"

testosterone is so importan for you to feel good
i dont know why would you want to kill your natura production of it

As a Wyomingnite, I'm ashamed of our state

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I thought he was trying to prove that niggers can swim, after all.


lol what a lie.

Based chad

Why are their suicide rates so high then?