The series would've benefited a lot more if it didn't revolve around Reapers

The series would've benefited a lot more if it didn't revolve around Reapers

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Yes. That's why Mass Effect 2 is the best.

Should have been about big krogan cocks

Agreed. After ME1, the Reapers should have just remained stuck in dark space for thousands of years and we should have had different conflicts to deal with.


Mass effects IP is the biggest sin in gaming. They could easily milk 1 game a year on the ME3 engine and instead we got that terrible andromeda game then nothing.

>no first contact game
>no selarian special task force stealth game
>no krogan v rachni war rts
>no dialogue based space diplomacy game
>no asari porn game

Biggest blunder in gaming.

Forget about that, where's my XCOM Mass Effect game!?

Reapers could have been handled better and given a motivation that made sense but yeah. It's hard to write a game about 3 chucklefucks on the ground fighting against giant spaceships.

I thought the reapers were kinda cool until they tried to actually explain them in 3, and then it was just fully retarded. Should have just left their motivations a mystery desu.

>given a motivation that made sense
They should have never been given one

They definitely wrote themselves into a wall with 3. You can't do ANYTHING past 3 without making some choices meaningless. The destruction ending is the best one when it comes to continuing the story but still feels restrictive. If anything I think Dragon Age, for all it's flaws, has managed to keep itself in better shape when it comes to sequels than ME did with 3.

reapers were cool in 1 and 2. 3 just shat the bed. Although I would have preferred if the games had just been about improving and enhancing mankinds power rather than the alliance being useless cunts

That's exactly the reason ME2 failed miserable and ruined the series forever.

>They could easily milk 1 game a year on the ME3 engine
i don't think you can fathom how much work that would have been. ubisoft is spreading the work on an AC game across dozens of studios to have one game every 3 years and that with relatively little story content(cut scenes, dialogue, world reactivity). ME1-3 are only that short(30-40 hours) because they are so linear, if they were open world those games would be bigger and longer than witcher 3 and no publisher, no matter how many studios they have, can crank out one of those games every year.

No, ME1 is

>The series would've benefited a lot more if you removed the entire plot

ME2 is

But it didn't fail. It focused on the only thing that the series had going for it. The characters.

by removing the most important characters from 1?

>by removing the most important characters from 1?
Such as who? Kaidan and Ashley? Everyone else, from Garrus, Tali, Liara, and even Wrex were there, even if some weren't squadmates.


I had the impression the original concept was to have a different big bad each game. Like the Collectors would have been a stand-alone race OR, if connected to the Reapers, there woudln't be any Reapers active in ME2.

They should have stuck with their original plotline of Dark Energy destroying the universe, so you'd have to go with some Deus Ex ending's, isolate civilizations to preserve everything or let it keep running knowing you're dooming everyone.

Making every game about the Reapers, retconning ME1's plot, was a big mistake.