It says here you are in your 20s yet still a virgin, care to explain user?

>It says here you are in your 20s yet still a virgin, care to explain user?

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I’m 19 retard

That is inaccurate, I'm in my 30s

society, internet and whores

you two should have sex with each other

Anxiety, depression, autism.

Currently trying to get fit to put myself out there and see what I can do. Some therapy made me hate myself a little less.

I'm waiting for a non human female (so never)


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i fucking love these

i fucking hate these

I'm 32, maam

I fucking feel neutral about these.

I went to a college bar for the first time at 21 and immediately I realized that I was never meant to have a fun time as a young man.

Attached: E9iutmfWUBQW-fQ.jpg (1097x1097, 150.31K)

37 you stupid bat.
And I'm a virgin still because I chose to be one.

>I went to a college bar for the first time at 21 and immediately I realized that I was never meant to have a fun time as a young man.
this is retarded because nobody gets good at anything after doing it once

what do you mean?

i fucking these

Anthro women aren't real that's why

I have never once tried to unvirgin myself because what I was attracted to was already fucked up by the time I was fourteen, and I can't fuck anthro lizard women in real life.

I dunno man, I’ve been to a couple parties myself and just find myself pissed off and prone to just hanging out with my friends one on one
Whether it’s introversion by personality or some kind of sperg-like condition is beyond me

i fuck