What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Idk bro I'm pooping right now lol


that doesn't look like a 2022 movie to me

Switch all the things in 2022 with blacked and erp and that's me

you got old, stopped striving to experience new things and chosen self-destructive comfort of alcoholism

Yo me too lol

I hope you get help user

You got older

Thanks. I really need it but I don't know how.

you fucking aged 20 years. not a science, user

need to get some more pokemon cards

>kids meal
I was already eating BIG KIDS meals and into magic. Tarzan was based, though. Just yesterday I was remembering the weird Tarzan sports game on the gamecube.

Heat is a great film though, way better than Tarzan.

You became jaded and instead of trying to fix it you double down on everything that makes you miserable.

you became a pretentious faggot that post off topic shit on an anime site

Given physically healthy parents, we are all born healthy

With time, we are damaged living life. Not because life is bad, but because it's one side of the coin. The other is about healing. The healing process is where we fail in the modern world, although it wasn't uncommon back in the day either. We act in unnatural ways that go against our biology and human spirit if you will. We understand that we need to heal, but do so by coping instead. Transgenderism, alcohol, body mods, partying, drugs, games, etc. All a cope for the lack of what we need for a good life.

To answer your question, time happened. It's not like we lived life better but we just had less damage then, the lack of healing has only caught up now

this aint me im doing pretty well

You got boring as a person. Instead of trying to better find something to be passionate about or something you're genuinely interested in outside of fads you instead got complacent and let your life stagnate, you just keep doing the same things despite it not giving you any more joy because its all you know how to do. I'm the same

We based our lives on material pleasures
When those left us, we had nothing left

> Rosie o donnell influencing you at a young age

Someone should have protected you

You made stupid decisions as a kid, atr fastfood, gambled with pokemon cards, now you live through consequences

>goy slop
>paper cards
>glorified toy advertisement
Wow, the 2000s were truly something to behold.

why tarzan of all movies

You became a chud. Started listening to all the crazy hate-fuled bullshit on fox. Started reading all the hate on 4channel.

Your brain cant really differeniate between "fake" hate and "real" hate, so you are in constant state of hate, fear and anger.

Turn of the telly and the internet. Go outside, read some positive books and start a hobby/get friends.

how do you guys manage to enjoy videogames anymore. nevermind the fact that I straight up started sucking at games, once I got a job. now I don't even have the desire to play games like I did before

this is how I feel when I launch any video game
>this is a waste of time
>I could be doing something more productive
>this is a chore
>this is just a bunch of meaningless arbitrary tasks
>I don't care about story
>this is too difficult, there's no point in playing this

and I quit within 5-10 minutes

Your mind is too narrow. Just think of games as a good pasttime

Why guns in Heat sound so more real than in any other action movie?