I hope you've already upgraded your GPUs because this ride will never end

I hope you've already upgraded your GPUs because this ride will never end

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>It's actually 3% of global supply of non-essential gasses
Why should I care?

God damn, the West is actually fucked. Wonder how we'll cool the NMRs in our lab now.

So instead of providing arms to Ukraine to push Russia the fuck off, they do nothing?
Tell me this shit isn't staged.

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Where's the ignoble gas supply anyway?

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Your thread died earlier because no one cares.

are you retarded

can comeone explain the benefits of cutting ties with russia
it feels like nothing good has come of it

What the fuck is noble gas.

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I'm not worried, but I am taking precautions and have planned according for a recession and/or conflict. This is nothing and nothing is going to happen.

Not impossible to replace production but takes time. Nothingburger.

nothing ever happens fags

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Elaborate. US has thousands of MLRS and cannons which are basically discarded at this point, yet they give fucking FOUR systemms and ONE HUNDRED cannons.
This shit could've been over by now if they wanted it to be over.

Ukraine provides 50% of world supply of neon used in chips, fag.

we stood up to a nuclear bully who is an increasing liability. This might blow your mind, but it's not actually good to let a pedo fuck you in the ass, even if he does give you an ice cream afterwards.

There is this thing called Google, user. Or high school chemistry.

Hunter Biden was an executive of Bursima, one of the largest gas companies in Ukraine.

This is merely example of how US politicians and wealthy have investments in Ukraine.

You see... Ukraine is a USA puppet state.

It is not independent. It is the modern day form of a colony.

Yes they have their fake government. Yes they have their fake president.

But at the end of the day, it is a puppet state, a vassal of the USA.

When Russia attacked it, they attacked USA's colony, directly hurting the wealth of US elites.

The sanctions have absolutely backfired though. Ruble is STRONGER THAN BEFORE THE WAR

World still needs gas oil, and now they can sell it for even more, AND IN RUBLES

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"chip shortage" is over boys

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>lets just ignore them openly waging the biggest war in europe since ww2 for literally no reason but imperialism and pretend nothing is happening while they are threatening nato to get the fuck out
You would make a great politician, retard.

And their harbors are shutdown. Even if they opened now you'd have to clear ass tons of mines. China best be hoarding all the grain they can get.

i just looked at the back of this doritos bag and theres no neon in it. debunked, dumbass

>will still supply it to China
>Taiwan will now have to go kneeling to Xi to get the gases
>will literally own Taiwan without even lifting a finger
Trannywan sisters... not like this.

One step closer to Russians not existing.

Simultaneous max pain but also bear euphoria

Vatnii skot, please.

cant they just use peasant gas instead?

>citizens are not allowed to withdraw their cash
>stock market ceased to exist
>prices of commodities literally doubled or even tripled
This is what happens when your national currency is getting stronger, right, nigger?

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Does this affect mobos?

Definitely possible, Xi also pretty told Biden to vibe check him, but Biden pussied out so now people think put in won in Ukraine and China has free Reign to operate. Of course. It's Monday and the week just started.


i just loooove slavshits killing each other

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