
How long did you last watching the trailer before you turned it off?

2 minutes and 35 seconds here

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fuck you snoy it looks great!!!!!

I am not a consoomer so I don't watch video game trailers.

you honestly should watch this one just out of morbid interest to see how far the video gaming as a medium has degraded over the years

im not even that big of an old fag, i've only started playing games regularly around the release of Oblivion, and even to me 15 years ago this trailer would have felt like a parody of video games rather than a real one

god, it was awful

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looked alright,but i play 99% boomershooters,so i may not be the best person to ask.

I watched it on the small chance they would revamp it into something better, since Arkane actually does have a lot of talent behind it. That chance did not pay off.

I'll still play it since it's gonna be on gamepass anyway.

After the player character kept talking to themselves non stop, so around 15 seconds.

It looked pretty good. Left 4 Dead but an immersive sim basically.

Left 4 Twitter

Gameplay looks fun but its got that Borderlands reddit dialogue all over it. Look I don't care that is has Blacks and Latinas, I love Sangres and Chains in Payday, but when everyone else is sophisticated except for the white guy whose a redneck southener, you gotta admit that's a bit on the nose.

It's going to flop anyway so why bother stinking up the board with these shit threads?

as soon as i saw the main character i muted the stream and switched tabs

disappointed it doesn't look like they took much advantage of UE5

It's not Left 4 Dead, you fucking idiots

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You can play L4D alone as well, your point?

I lasted 5 minutes and 53 seconds.

Arkane died as soon as Raphael left.

I don't know why you guys compare it to Left 4 Dead
I don't think they ever fought more than 5 vampires at once
And there were classes and loot
Clearly way more Borderlands inspired than L4D
It's like you saw 4 player coop shooter and your brain turned off and defaulted to the easy but inaccurate comparison

I guess what I'm trying to say is you're retarded and should kys

I trust arkane enough to at least give it a shot as I usually have a great time with their games

You should just for trying to defend this dogshit, at the very least cut off your balls so you can't accidentally reproduce

I didn't defend shit, I simply called people out for making inaccurate comparisons
If you took offense, it's probably because you're one of those braindead retards who saw the trailer and defaulted to L4D instead of Borderlands

Kill yourself, dumb nigger

L4D is level based and about surviving to the finish line. This game is open world and about looting and exploring rather than hordes.

Watched the whole thing but I wanted it dead in a matter of seconds.

I watched the whole thing on Xbox stream. Tbqh I'm kinda interested since it has coop but the constant talking and cringe dialogue were unbearable.

You seem pretty invested in it, why would you waste your time
>correcting the record
otherwise, so eat shit stealth shill and go drag a razor across your worthless fucking throat

NTA but rather than Borderlands I think this is more Back 4 Blood