Serious question

What teir autism do you need to make your own POE build?

Attached: Ascendant Scion Build Skill Tree4-1517813304.png (1600x753, 1.08M)

It's really not that difficult, you go for them big ass keystone nodes depending on what you want to do, grab every life node around it and then the rest is damage.

You need to be able to download path of building and find nodes relevant to defenses and the type of offense you want your build to be. It won't be an S build capable of clearing all content more than likely, without big investment at least, but it'll be playable.

my one problem is the lack of an actual fucking respec

99% of people don't make a build, they just follow one from online. It's one of the reasons poe is not very good. It's a designed-by-checklist arpg that misses most of what makes arpgs fun

>Actions have consequences
Boohoo, user

I don't think it's PoE fault most gamers are lazy and uncreative user. They gave people nearly unlimited customization in this game.


zero. you don't have to minmax if you don't plan to farm endgame maps at sonic speed like a chinese drone

How is that the game's fault? All the tools and flexibility are there for you to use. My friends and I used to make builds every league even though they'd all fail by like yellow maps, we'd just reroll for the fun of it.

Yes the game sucks dick now but lack of builds or room for creativity is not the reason.

Attached: witch.png (1920x1080, 2.41M)

Having too many choices is actually a bad thing. If you show me this retarded ass talent tree I'm just going to fall out of sleep out of sheer boredom. Show me a D2 talent tree and I will want to make meaningful choices.

0 the autism is grindin for yor items

witch sexo

Attached: witch_poe.jpg (1134x1476, 141K)

Making my own shitty builds based on retarded uniques was literally the only fun I had playing PoE.
Genuinely don't understand how people have fun following guides considering they all boil down to "right-click to instantly kill every enemy on-screen, press q,w,e,r in order to instantly kill bosses"

user, these games are not rocket science considering that everybody follows the same build which usually entails dumping everything into health. You only deviate for slight boosts or specific builds.

D2 is infinitely more restrictive and simple than PoE.

is this game worth buying? I'm really on the fence about it

r u trolling >:(

yeah bro like picking fire druid

I make my own builds every league. One of the best features of poe is the massive amounts of character customization, so build creation is half the fun.

People either play poe for the economy or for the crazy amount of build variety. I feel like GGG has put way too much focus on the former. I miss
the amount of viable meme builds and instead we get an entire league saturated by explosive arrow and DD.

GGG needs to throw some massive buffs to off meta skills. It's really depressing seeing 90% of players play the same shit with no clear alternatives. Explosive arrow in particular is unparalleled with how cheap and overly effective it is.

Really they just need to hurry the fuck up with poe2. What's taking so long