Did you get any gaming done this weekend, Any Forums?

Did you get any gaming done this weekend, Any Forums?

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Played a bit of Far Cry 5, I don't finish games anymore.

i dont want to go. please no more.

I am an unconvicted rapist


not really. bout a half hour in 80s overdrive. gotta get some boost now cause right near the end of the campaign. gots about 8 races left

I work from home part time in the afternoons and monday doesn't really mean anything to me
Work smarter, not harder

Is it seriously Sunday night already?

Finished most of burnout paradise, still missing around 40 races or something.
i really dislike stunt runs so i usually cheese those.
yep. I have been working form home for 3 years now. shit is great.

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Yes, I played Grim Dawn all weekend to scratch my ARPG itch. Played around with a Grenado Purifier before switching over to Primal Strike Druid for funsies.

I started playing Pokemon Stadium after buying a transfer pak for my N64.

I was at events for most of the weekend, but I did manage to play a little bit of Patrick's Parabox. I'm still pretty early so the puzzles haven't gotten too bad yet

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Go back

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Yes I played Voice of Cards : The Isle Dragon Roars from start to finish


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Today, I grinded 6 hours on a Korean MMO for 1 (one) mythical drop. So pretty good.

No I'm an adult and have a job

dont they require you to go back to the offices now or get fired?

get a night shift security job

well im sure they all know what you say online and take it out of context to get mad about, right? :p

Doesn't matter, it's never enough game time

Then why are you in this thread? Get back to work wagie

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I actually didn’t, I laid in bed all day yesterday and a lot of today. I only got up to watch anime and I’m gonna do a workout before I have to go to bed. This sucks at least I have vacation in two weeks but it’s not enough I’m sick of everything

Played about 4 hours of Crusader: No Remorse. Might play a couple more.

Why would I? relaxed the whole damn time

Yes I played a bit of duolingo.

Played Quake 1 and Impossible Lair. Some thoughts.

Quake 1 is not very good, it feels like playing a random fan map pack, there is no context to any of the levels and aside from boss levels you could swap them around in any order and nothing would change, im not digging the super edgy aesthetic and the music i heard so much about (its there, i made sure that it was playing properly) is just average industrial type noises. Overall im kind of having fun but its frankly a very stupid game. Certainly left me wanting an fps game with better exploration and better story, its a real shame all the boomer fps games coming out now still have that stupid edgy aesthetic.

Impossible Lair. Its cute and fun, but the overworld often becomes more interesting the the actual platforming levels, i would rather play some zelda style game, thats how good the overworld section is, very charming. Platforming is great too, and i had fun. Music is beautiful, lots of great tracks and a joy to listen to. The last level, the Impossible Lair, is way to difficult, even after patches is just stupid hard an brings down the whole game. Imagine you are playing Mario World and suddenly the game throws in an I Wanna Be The Guy level, thats how hard the shift in difficulty is, its just nonsensical, i dont know what they were thinking.

How do people even have energy to do anything after work