Is Starfield a bit more "hardcore RPG" after today's presentation Any Forums?

Is Starfield a bit more "hardcore RPG" after today's presentation Any Forums?

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>other bethesda games
So more than doom then but probably far less than FO4.

Yes. Traits and backgrounds. Double agent options in factions. A whole skill tree dedicated to social interactions. No voiced protagonist.

It was a light RPG at best.
What I saw was sub-par combat, laughably stupid AI, and a giant amount of customization, while cool, doesn't mean shit if I don't like to play the game.

I'm unironically hoping there's some kind of VATS system, so I can at least remove myself from that part of the game, and focus on other things.

so this is what passes for hardcore rpg in todays industry

They didn't show any player dialogue it could have 2 choices max for all we know

>sub-par combat
you saw a low level character struggle to shoot, the very essentials of a good rpg. You are supposed to improve as you go on

That just means it'll have some survival meters.

at least it's a step in the right direction

>Double Agent options
stop lying

Holy fucking cope

After looking at the mobile-game skill tree I'm pressing x to doubt.

how? by including as much rpg mechanics as call of duty?

Can someone tell me why the name of the first hospitable planet humanity reaches outside of Sol is named after a literal who first black astronaut rather than something like "Agartha", "Mu" etc?

Attached: anime-confusion-what.gif (220x257, 17.34K)

you know why

>Traits and backgrounds
no starting traits are exclusive, you can buy all of them on the skill tree later anyway. and all the skill tree nodes are just "+10% to something" and that's it. soulless and lazy

What the fuck is even this?

The combat wasn't bad because of "my guy can't shoot good", it was bad because it's more Creation engine jank. It continues to look like Elder Scrolls but with guns

No. No it's not
RPG's are my thing. I even like JRPG's.
This game is trying to appeal to everyone, but will do a lot of things sub-par, and nothing good.

You are talking about the starting skills. The traits are only picked at character creation and have role-playing ramifications.

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Too me, a hardcode RPG is a sandbox rpg game where you can roleplay whatever you want and there is no railroad storyline.