Still looks better than star citizen

still looks better than star citizen

Attached: E3xz_uIXEAAvGKi.jpg (1080x1080, 545.84K)

Attached: nomanskyrim.webm (480x480, 2.7M)

Actually has more than one star system lol.

people who play star citizen are people who grew up with sci-fi shit like star trek and have cash people like starfield are adhd zoomers who grew up with a single mother.

Okay but does it have manual planetary landing?
Does it have planets with an entire surface to explore seamlessly?

The big difference is NMS's gameplay is limited to mining crap, so you can build a base/ship, move to another planet and do it all over again

>still looks better than a scam game
what a high bar

Saved! Thanks user!

Also, is the space between planets fully traversable? Or are there confined zones of space that you can travel in only?

>singleplayer space-themed RPG vs multiplayer space sim
The only thing Starfield will have in common with Star Citizen is the amount of bugs.

Hope they fix the shit gunplay and combat ai

cope Todd literally made a game 100x bigger than SC in 1/3 the time

user why would you hope for something you know wont happen

But did he though? He didn't say that you could land on a planet manually, or that you can fly between planets seamlessly. For all we know there could only be specific zones in space that you can actually fly freely in with boundaries, and we might just get loading screens for "landing"

It's a Beth game mods will absolutely fix it faggot.

Modders do that for free like jannies.

>load times tied to fps
>can't do more than 60 fps
see that planet over there? it takes 5 hours to load.

Is that official?
Isn't it early 2023?

nigger this isn't destiny 2, if evochron and nms can do it, why starfield can't? and they load chunk shit for ages already.
>inb4 bethesda
sure todd has retarded decisioning that he hopes it appeals to console casuals but the team gives minimum effort at least, i still don't get it why he announced this shit when it's planned for 2023.
this, either A - he took more casualing decisioning and pushed back or B - did a cp77 turn on something in there.
still they only said 2023, we don't know if it's 11.11.23 or by july, all i know is that fucking sucks.

Attached: image_2022-06-12_205110390.png (1600x900, 1.34M)

>Space simulator
>Can't actually fly your ship except in a planet's orbit


How big is each planet going to be?

Saw something claiming that each is Skyrim sized.

Wouldn't this have looked better?

Attached: TL.png (1080x1080, 1.8M)

>A R F I E