Nintendo Direct "E3" 2022

6/16. Trust Me.

Mario Kart 8 Wave 2
Turnip Cup: SNES Vanilla Lake 1, Tour New York Minute, GCN Daisy Cruiser, Wii DK Summit
Propellor Cup: Tour London Loop, DS Luigi's Mansion, GBA Sunset Wilds, 3DS Wuhu Loop

Bayonetta 3 - December 9th

Nintendo also making Vanquish 2 with Platinum Games.

Snowboard Kids Re-Shredded: Remake of both N64 games. Q1 2023

Steve and Alex amiibo release July 29th. Pyra and Mythra Two-Pack - November

Persona 3 4 & 5 also on the way for Switch.

Hogwarts Legacy. Panic Button helped with port.

Splatoon 3 amiibo announced. Two week Global Testfire in July.

Cruis'n Blast: 1 Year anniversary update will add Online Play and new vehicles.

Mario & Rabbids: Sparks of Hope - October 15th

Pushmo Universe - Winter

Wind Waker HD & Twilight Princess HD - October (Each game will seperate on eshop.)

Diddy Kong Racing, Ogre Battle 64 and Super Smash Bros are the next batch of N64 NSO games.

Breath of the Wild 2 now has a title.
The Legend of Zelda: Sword of Duality

Metroid Prime 4 on board for Summer 2023.

Attached: 1_Nintendo-Direct.jpg (1200x630, 35.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

kill yourself

>Sword of Duality

Attached: dissapointed farmer.png (340x482, 138.19K)


>Persona 3 4 & 5 also on the way for Switch.

>Diddy Kong Racing, Ogre Battle 64 and Super Smash Bros are the next batch of N64 NSO games.
It's already been confirmed that the next game being added is Pokémon Snap.

>no Xenoblade
Fake and gay

>Pushmo Universe - Winter
This was the only thing that made me think you may not be trolling
No one would leak something this random and niche unless it was real

>The Legend of Zelda: Sword of Duality
OP always exposes himself as a faggot eventually

>The Legend of Zelda: Sword of Duality
For fuck's sake, stop trying!

One announcement from the direct got leaked already

The funniest thing from "leaks" like this are the guesses at BOTW2's title.

Pushmochads, we're going home

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65.13K)

It actually would be funny if Nintendo waited until everyone else's presentations had come and before showing up like a knight in shining armor to save the not-E3.

Every single one of these faggots come up with a different retarded name for BotW2.


It's Legend of Zelda: Spirit of the Wild

I hope someone is logging all of them and will publish the full list after the real title is announced.

>Snowboard Kids Re-Shredded: Remake of both N64 games. Q1 2023
Fuck you, cunt.

Has there been a single fanmade name that's even slightly good?

No xenoblade trailer?

WHy does every single fucking leak insist on trying to add their own shitty subtitile to BOTW2? It's pretty much the single biggest THIS IS BULLSHIT red flag you can add to these "leaks".

to be fair Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and Breath of the Wild all sound completely retarded in a vacuum as well