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Attached: 1631683618877.png (1920x1080, 2.79M)

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literally zero marketing or community hype behind this game somehow

Need it or keep it

Attached: trewtws4rtg.jpg (332x625, 35.68K)

I don't even know what that is

literally what game?

that is a zoomer

Some shitty nexon Coutner Strike clone. If you aren't in Korea the online quality is pretty bad.

Attached: 1647282822275.gif (500x470, 1.57M)


It's really amazing how balding faggots managed to popularize haircuts that everyone agree looks like shit, but still eat them up.

If it's not a BR I might actually be interested

It's not and it actually feels great to control

Attached: 1626840979919.png (903x845, 1.26M)

looked like kojima in the thumbnail

looks bussin on God

Koreans invented the broccoli cut?


Attached: 1628941715298.jpg (555x631, 76K)

hes literally me frfr

no cap?

saw some dumb bitch wear her mask in her car by herself

Attached: aaah.jpg (750x738, 27.44K)

Why do you chuds care? She isn't affecting your life at all. Grow the fuck up.

Character customization?

I still wear my mask since I found out it really helps me with my allergies

Attached: 1654552285084.gif (379x358, 351.45K)

>249 over the shoulder
that shrimpy fucker couldn't even lift one with both arms

I miss the Ghost In The Shell black ops clone they had.
it was pretty fun for being N*xon shit

So another corpse game that will be worth only for extracting the models.