Elder Scrolls 6

Is it dead?

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they're making starfield retard

This has been explained to you over and over an dover and over again, by both anons and official sources. You're retarded. Kill yourself.

>lmao let's undermine Starfield by talking about one of the most popular franchises instead

This game will come out in 2028 screencap it

When it was announced they said they weren't going to talk about it again until after Starfield

It's one of the 1000 planets

after they are done with starfield

It was honestly a mistake announcing this game that early

They literally only showed that as damage control for Fallout 76, they're not showing anything remotely substantial until Starfield's out.

>yfw you come across a planet called Tamriel in Starfield

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2025 at the earliest

>Not knowing its called Nirn

The planet is Nirn, Tamriel is just a continent

Fuck you're right, I forgot that's the continent name

they didn't really announce it with the intention of it being released any time soon, they said it was in pre-production. Beth used to have a 4 year dev window, with starfield it's going to be like 5-6 years so it's definitely not coming out for awhile still. It's in production but who knows how far back it's going to get pushed with this starfield delay?

play elder scroll online already!

I know OP it pisses me off. Apparently the entire studio os working on that ASS GAME Starfield.

ES6 is 2025-26 at the latest.

Did you watch the showcase? They literally said at the very start that all games shown today were going to release on the next 12 months. TES 6 is obviously not coming that soon.

>Starfield does horribly
>Bethesda takes until the mid 2030's to release 6

3.3.33 tell your kids.

i hope starfield is a passover that forces the higherups to go panicmode so they pump out TES sooner


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All of Any Forums are my children, so I'll tell them.

How many times must it be repeated, nigger? Multiple leaks/ex-employees over the years said the same thing - until ESO stops making a mountain of cash, this game WON'T COME OUT, since they would be competing for largely the same player base. At least that's what the big wigs believe.

Is Skyrim worth playing?
I started up the game and the menu looked really soulless.

>Why won't Bethesda stop developing their mediocre space game and develop their next mediocre fantasy game!?

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this, op is retarded

>Elder Scrolls 6 is entirely playable within Starfield

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install skyUI, the unofficial patch and you will loos hundred of hours in it, will crave playing it again once you're done
and once youve done this twice you will start to see the issues, hate the game yet won't be able to leave it
I have been doing this for 5 years, and some for more than 10

if starfield has 1000 planets es6 better have all of tamriel

Fuck, give us Akavir as well while they are at it.

>the reason production is taking forever is because they are making THE (t h e) new engine that will be THE engine used until the mid 2030s
>TES will come out as soon as people have gotten into Starfield properly because it's just a profitable big test of the new engine
post yfw scrolls-bros

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it's probably barely into pre-production at this point. My guess is in two years' time, maybe more, they'll re-announce it with a proper trailer. There's likely not even a game to show right now


Starfield's npc looke like plastic, im not too hopeful

now that is a big dick idea

It's pretty much the same deal as something like elite 2, where there's this big list of parameters a planet can have, and everything is just configured and mix matched from this list.