Filename thread

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The video of this is painful to watch

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I don't want to think about this video again.

I can still hear his primal scream and hysterical sobbing.

videos like this remind me that there is no order in the universe

One of the most fucked up videos ever. Has kind of ruined my ability to be completely at ease while driving on the highway

I thought that too before the invasion
now I just laugh
they deserve everything

Good bait but not enough for a (You)

Once had a bird slam like a rock against the windshield of my mom's car while I was in the passenger seat. Will never forget the loud thud it made.

What an absolute retard.

>OH N-

when i drive im in a constant state of paranoia that ill get in a collision. everyone drives 20 over the limit, weaves around dense traffic, runs lights, doesnt pay attention (phone usually), and despite all of it, its always some natural force that causes the problem. id still trade all these retards on the road for some peace of mind but that cant happen when even the most basic shit like 2 people at opposite ends of a 4 way intersection, where 1 wants to go straight and the other wants to turn left, but they insist the left turn goes first every single time without fail and will sit there waiting for the left to go first until you fight them to do it right.

i hate driving in california, everyone has gotten more retarded the past 2 years

I got in an accident one time, even though I wasn't at fault it still fucked me up and gave me PTSD from it. I've never been the same behind the wheel since.

I don't know how normies enjoy driving. It's a means to an end for me, something you have to do. I'm constantly paranoid about things that could cause a collision. I don't know how I'd be able to live with myself if I was the cause of a bad accident.

at least im not having to live with that but i certainly cant stand the shit i put up with
>10pm heading home
>road to a light is long and winding
>faggot in a bmw has been on everyone's ass weaving through everyone they can in (ive passed them multiple times casually in the same lane)
>almost at the end of this winding road, theres a light and its red
>faggot floors it, and cuts me off, nearly hits my car doing it
>just so he can narrowly make a gap that doesnt rear end the ONE car in front of him at that light
>just so he can be the first car in my lane at that line
if i had the authority to take licenses away, i would. its no longer safe to drive in my area at any hour. theres been 6 single car deaths on the same road this month and every single time its the same kind of driver
my brother pulled out of a parking lot with a 3 way stop sign, and the dumb bitch at the T portion (across from a wall) just floors it and Tbones him. she admitted fault, but insurance said it was nobody's fault. it was his first day on the job and it was his coworker that Tboned him
this event took place in a 20 foot by 20 foot intersection. even the smallest clearest fucking thing can still have some retard flooring it from a dead stop toward a wall, and still somehow hit another driver

I used to have no issues driving. I used to drive a box truck around central VA all the time, hitting the interstate, Richmond? Rush hour? Piece of fuckin' cake, then that ended. Old woman was on her phone stopped in an intersection, she wouldn't move, people behind me honking and freaking out, I pulled forward speeding up and she just then moved forward and got caught right between the bottom of the box and the rear bumper, right in that space and it tore the front of her brand new car off. I thought she was dead and I was panicking. The worst part of it was seeing that "Worlds best grandma" sticker. It was ruled that it wasn't my fault because of the circumstances, but I still hold responsibility for it. In the end, I think it was more my fault then hers. So I kind of blame myself for it, she didn't even testify either.

Me too, luckily it wasnt too bad (she just got a bruise) it still makes me paranoid. I slowly passed a bus loading people in, and suddenly a girl on a bike just crossed the street from behind the bus and I hit her


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nice bait, almost got me

a man, his wife, and two kids were driving along the highway like normal. they passed a big truck carrying bricks and shit and one of the bricks came loose, smashed through the windshield, and instantly killed the woman. you can't see any gore in the video but you hear the crying and screaming from the man and his kids now that their wife/mother are dead, instantly taken from them by forces outside of their control

pussies lmao
fuck off to reddit


No graphic imagery was shown and its still the worst video ive seen on the internet

Genuinely impressive

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Holy shit… that’s terrible. I always stay very far away from trucks. But if I have to get near them, I speed past them as fast as possible. I do not wanna fuck around with something that big.

Fuck, man

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>pussies lmao
>fuck off to reddit

Attached: redpilled npc destroyer.webm (576x1024, 1.96M)