Postal 2 was extremely controversial in 2004 when it came out...

Postal 2 was extremely controversial in 2004 when it came out. Picrel drops in our current climate and nobody bats an eye? Love the game. Just an observation.

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Being edgy for the sake of being edgy is not funny anymore

it's solid on the gameplay front, good even, but all of its jokes are idk, not exactly relevant or shocking anymore

If you want to make a controversial game nowadays you gotta make it racist, homophobic/transphobic and misogynistic.

i wouldn't go that far, you just have to not be woke and not apologize, just having an all white cast and a heterosexual male protagonist commenting on the appearance of a woman would likely make the news

It's not anywhere close to as edgy as Postal 2, otherwise it would be canceled and/or never see release since Amerimutts are a bunch of pussies.

>a white guy with mental illness mass murdering people in a suburban setting

with all the shit going on it seems like it would hit a nerve

Shitting on Trump, republinerds, and other borderline conservative shit isn't edgy since it's the norm, if anything it makes you a fucking sellout.

If anything, this is the kind of evil behavior libtards WANT to paint white people as.

Postal 2 is actually banned in a lot of countries.

You are a clown

The first boss of the game is a literal Fat Karen.

no u

this gay ass milquetoast mindset of yours is exactly why postal doesn't work in the current year

That's low hanging fruit though.

go ahead and explain how it's milquetoast

Yea I was reading about that on the wiki. I also read about some 3 week long arson spree in North Carolina they blamed the game for in 2008. Apparently they said the game inspired them to do it or something.

Progs never go after difficult targets or people that they know will resist them.
Their chances of getting Running with Scissors to lick the boot are 0 and they know it, same as Rappers or Poles, so they avoid a battle since losing would mean looking weak.

Remember, if ever confronted with the terminally offended then the only possible way to save yourself is
>Oh fuck off
And when they gasp, clutch their pearls and demand an apology for telling them to fuck off when clearly they represent the entire LGBTLMN-word-OPisafaggot community you nod, pretend to think about it then reply
>In that case: Oh fuck off faggot
And walk away. If there's no one over your head who they can go to? All they can do then is seethe forever.

because there's nothing edgy about commenting on a woman's appearance

>Postal 2 was extremely controversial
only in the minds of legitimate psychopaths. it was a daily chore simulator. only mentally ill nutcases went around sticking guns in cats buttholes, drinking their own piss, smoking crack, committing arson, committing murder, and cutting in line.

anyways care to sign my petition?

Attached: petition.jpg (371x238, 13.16K)

that's not what the discussion was about though was it, and to the gaming press, yes it is, very much so

Nobody's got the balls for that

Clinton isn't in office.

Then why are you here?

He's right

>"commenting on the appearance of a woman would likely make the news"
You can make the news these days by refusing to call a man with a penis a female. That doesn't make it edgy.