Nobody reads ToS in video games

nobody reads ToS in video games.
could a ToS contain something along the lines of "your soul belongs to us"?

Attached: cat925.jpg (480x442, 24.8K)

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probably but how can they legally enforce that
no one reads them because they don't matter

There was once a ToS for a game that said "be the first person to call this number and we'll give you $500" or something similar to that and it took years before someone actually called it

>enforcing a soul contract through legal means

>don't say "nigger, nigger, nigger"
what do?

I say nigger

i doubt blizzard has a way to enforce a soul contract i'm not afraid

most tos have something among the lines of "we dont guarantee the quality of the product" and "this product can be taken away from you without prior notice" and worst of all "this terms of service is subject to change" so even if you read it all they can just change it to whatever they want whenever they want

How do you think the Devil does it down in Georgia?

Attached: 1504934441780.jpg (425x271, 18.27K)

Most jurisdictions have laws to protect against "unfair" contracts.
Most jurisdictions have trouble catching up to technology as well.

The problem is that "tech" in general has become a massive extra-legal area in most jurisdictions, as it comes with many international law problems etc.

Just say it twice.

Banned! Also, your soul belongs to EA now.

A ToS is not legally binding.

Any Forums no longer a place to ask for help

I remember a ToS that literally did say "By agreeing to this, your soul belongs to us.", actually.
Nobody reads them, so it was in there for ages before someone sent an email asking about it.

>a legally binding agreement
And friends.

You can't really accidentally give up your soul, in fact, jews have been trying with Islam and Christianity to snag up the whole world but as you can see there has been mixed results. As long as your will remains strong no spell mixed in a legal document will do jack shit to you.

yeah right, everybody knows you can resist the temptation, user

Not a game company but a retailer did once

It's a crime to call the police on someone in a non-emergency.

Shut the fuck up user its so easy to


It's a misdemeanor and it can be called a criminal act to incite the police as a measure of threat and/or force.