The Ashbringer!

The Ashbringer!

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The Thunderfury!

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It was truly a mistake giving players the weapon

warglaives of azzinoth is my favorite video game weapon of all time honestly.

Any time I play a game that allows modding I always check and see if someone modded them in. They are so fucking cool dammit I want them irl

Well, I think there should have been A route to get it, but every paladin just having it at the start of Legion was ridiculous.
They need to bring back cool legendary quest lines and actual well-hidden secrets.
Your entire guild had to work to get you Atiesh ffs

Why? It looks so dumb, anyway, I'm glad we can finally get over it.

Hunter weapon.

you for real nigga?
how have you not committed suicide, when you seem to be such a big wow fan, knowing how fucked it now is?

why do games insist on having the gayest looking weapons?
reminds me of those rainbow keyboards

Show us the coolest vidya weapon user.

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don't give a fuck about wow
sword cool

melee or projectile/thrower?

Your favorite. Doesn't matter.

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>and actual well-hidden secrets.
Well-hidden secrets don't work anymore in today's internet. That's also the reason why Classic WoW or any MMORPG focused on exploration won't ever work again like they used to.

Then reward the first one to find it

nobody obsesses over WoW more than the people that "hate" it, it's incredible

The corrupted ashbringer skin for it was actually a hidden quest line so that's something

The farting ball sniffer!

the skyrim iron set is unironically one of if not the most pleasing videogame weapon set i have ever laid my eyes upon.
simple and beautiful, nothing unnecessary.
but if i can only choose one, i would go with the axe.

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THE NIC- huh?

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There will never be a better looking sword than the Rebellion from DMC

>original quest line that brings you through the portal never ever

I was somewhat surprised that BC classic didn't follow that up.
It would've been good PR.

For me it’s Myrmidia’s Greatsword of the dawn.