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Is that in my moles?


Rather be a door than a simp.


People of the modern day are utterly terrified of having a purpose in life and contributing to the greater good of society

>plays video games and watches anime 10 hours a day

;ai law 2

based Gatekeeper

fuck sneedciety, fuck collectivism. value individuality

I don't think it's that.

I think people are terrified of having no control over their life and have difficulty understanding why they were born to be a delivery driver.

Shut up and open chemistry for me stupid AI. I need to get in there so I can make... Medicine...

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This is why you are depressed user

What if you punched someone so hard he turned into a door and the harder you punch the better the door like simple plank door all the way to venetian doors or some shit.

I will contribute once jews and their influence are removed from the face of the universe and not a moment sooner. Thanks for the tax dollars in the mean time.

>waaaah zoomers refuse to work for shekelsberg waaaah

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this user gets it

They're utterly terrified because they don't have purpose because it's all been obfuscated by the modern discourse.


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people saying this always think they are geniuses when in reality they are midwits at best

If i dont believe that the society doesnt have the actual greater good in mind then i wont do my part and i sure as fuck dont think the "greater" plan of current society is "good".

better than being a doormat

>he says despite loads of ants sitting on their ass
You need to reevaluate your understanding of animal behaviour

I find the irony of posting this on 4channel quite amusing

you are a worthless retard

People throw around midwit like being 100+ IQ isn't smarter than a staggering amount of the general population

I find it more ironic you cut your dick off but you’ll never be a woman

Based communism Chad
>Hur dur not communism! There are other choices
All of which are pathetic compared to the wholistic unity of communism

midwit refers to people with around 110-120 IQ who think they are way smarter than they are
it has nothing to do with them being smarter than the average person

I don't want anything good to happen to our current society.

This makes my skin crawl. Fuck ants and extra fuck those big head ones.

Midwit is an insult among intelligent people, but on a place like this site where the average person is a severely mentally ill 80 IQ turd worlder? It's pretty high praise.

>they don’t realize that’s exactly what ((we)) want
Go ahead, elect Trump again, that will really show ((us))

miss me with that gay shit nigga

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i mean....ok he has a use every year or does this ant do the rest of the time? practice? useless *** im actually in favor of this shit its fine to have a low demand purpose ****

Don't look down.

I will not eat the bugs and I will continue to use a diesel vehicle.

This. There is nothing wrong with being a door for the collective hivemind.
This is why we need communism.


Imagine,ants literally fight wars bigger than our wars for their scale,argentine ants literally have world wide supercolonies fighting aganist army ants and other ants for total domination of the earth

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hakanaku tayutau sekai wo kimi no te de mamottakara
imawa tada tsubasa wo tatande yukkuri nemurinasai
eien no yasuragi ni tsutsumarete love through all eternity

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