The guy who leaked the entire State of Play

>the guy who leaked the entire State of Play
>also leaked TLOU 1 remake's date
>also leaked Kojima's Overdose
Silksong at Microsoft's event lads

Attached: silky.png (693x727, 424.73K)

I hate leakers.

nice, as a gamepass subscriber does this mean I get to play it soon? (PC)

I like when actual leakers come out of nowhere and btfo namefags/journalists

Didn't team cherry say that it was timed switch exclusive? Doesnt this mean that hollowfags are clowns for expecting it?

Please… not another coping event for us silksisters so soon….Don’t be cruel…

switch CONSOLE exclusive
it's also on pc day one
guess which device has gamepass? pc

Yaaaas, xisters! Hollow Knight helped me come to terms with being trans.

They just said that they‘re only focusing on switch and pc because that‘d be easier. They never mentioned having an exclusivity deal

he also said this

clown up hollow chads

Attached: IMG_20220611_142825.jpg (1080x1858, 501.5K)


Attached: SummoningSilksong.jpg (3900x2700, 490.56K)

Not gonna watch the Shill Spencer event because of how annoying them pushing goyimpass is, but I hope Silksong gets revealed.

The could release it on the fucking n-gage for all I care, unless the announcement comes with a release date I don't give a fuck.

Team Cherry never confirmed Silksong was only coming to Switch and PC, they literally just said they couldn't confirm any other platforms at launch and that was back in 2019. Plans change.

Fuckkkkkkkkk I shouldn't have seen this. Now I won't stop thinking about it until the showcase

Checks out.

PR nigger said they have no exclusivity with Nintendo

>Sony leaker know shit about Microsoft

Microsoft doesn't do State of Play.

More likely he has access to YouTube videos which haven’t gone live yet.

>inb4 he just did this to shitpost one last time before disappearing forever

holy cope tendies

he's already tweeting again though

>silksong fags constantly spamming about the same game for 3 years
>finally gets revealed

SGF is still very fresh in everyone’s minds, it buck broke them so hard that they are having a difficult time believing even the snitch

Who actually wants their game to get a big thing at the xbox event? Starfield is going to utterly overshadow everything else.

I just was the game to release already so they can stop with the faggotry
Who are they anyway?