If you care about difficulty in video games, you need to touch some grass, Any Forums

If you care about difficulty in video games, you need to touch some grass, Any Forums.

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>if you are better than me you need to get a life
>if you are worse than me you are a noob and need to git gud
A tale as old as time.

>literally called "Skill up"
>plays on easy mode

what a faggot

>Shill up
>ESL "Felt the touch women"
Awful thread

I disagree.

Prime example is Bloodborne. I don’t know how you people loved it so much, how can you enjoy a game that holds your hand from beginning to end?

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

Pic related.

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> Touch grass
> Opinion doesn't change


>very rare
>7% of all players have this
Never played a Souls game but nearly 1 in 10 people getting 100% of the achievements makes it sound quite easy.

I puked on the grass yesterday and my opinion didn't change.

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Wasnt this skillup guy outed as being a massive faggot?

This faggot got filtered by Lost Judgement fuck him

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>t. jelly incels

He is. Just another bootlicking youtuber for big corp. He doesn't even like games that aren't literal movies

This is unrelated to whatever inane conversation is being had in this thread, but I really like this picture. It's impressive to me just how long it has endured here. Feels like a lifetime ago.

woah he touched a woman what a cool dude

truly getting upset is the mark of someone who doesn't care

Attached: hardchuds.jpg (1080x2280, 597.85K)

The only people that actually care what difficulty other people play on are those that want to put as little investment into videogames as possible.

i hope someone told him that his mom's touch doesn't count?

>He didn't beat sword time guy using only the basic moveset
You didn't beat the game

Why you guys always posting phone pictures? Don't you have PCs?

>seething this badly
looks like they won

>he didn't beat sowrd guy in zanzibar extreme no hit mode

the only people that start the difficulty discourse are these insufferable faggots that hate video games and wish they could just watch them instead.

>Games are art! Art I say! They should be mature and the artist should have complete domain over the entire thing, not some smelly losers that make up the *ahem* 'fan base'
>Artist decides to make a game of a specific difficult for a specific experience
The emergence of the critic class has been a disaster for the human race.